What’s eating away at your vehicle
De-icing chemicals: A growing threat Motor vehicles face a constant battle against the elements, with one of the most insidious threats being corrosion. In colder climates where snow and ice are prevalent, it’s not uncommon to see traditional road salt … More from our cover sponsor →
Multi-application smart grids
In the ongoing pursuit of beneficial projects for a community, there are many questions to consider. What are the advantages and shortfalls? Is it financially feasible, or cost-prohibitive? Can residents and businesses be assured of minimal environmental impacts and issues? … Continue reading →
Volunteers in the municipal sector
Local governments benefit in a number of ways when they make volunteering a part of their culture. Citizens provide a variety of important services that range from administrative support to emergency response to community beautification. When citizens take ownership in … Continue reading →
Keeping up with the Jones’ Bringing big-city technology to small-town USA
If you live in a community where the local grapevine outpaces the information superhighway, then take heart. You are not alone. While small municipalities across the nation struggle to offer their residents Matrix-level technology on a Pawnee budget, some have … Continue reading →
Waycross city auditorium comes alive again
It once hosted the biggest stars, such as Elvis Presley, but it sat vacant for many years. A once-dilapidated building is now breathing new life into a city in Georgia. It’s also generating much-needed revenue for the city. The reopening … Continue reading →
Civility: the good, the bad and the costly
Your mother always told you: If you can’t say something nice about someone, don’t say anything at all. It turns out that cities and towns could use some of Mom’s wisdom, at least where being considerate of others is concerned. … Continue reading →
Fleet manager aims for the best
As a young mechanic in the private sector, Larry Campbell was not out to lead one of the top municipal fleets in the United States. He wasn’t even sure he wanted into that line of business. “But I had a … Continue reading →
Range anxiety
Electric and hybrid vehicles have unquestionably carved their place into the market of the immense and indispensable U.S. automobile industry. They offer advantages, including environmental friendliness, quieter operation and fewer maintenance requirements. Their cost per mile can amount to a … Continue reading →
Bringing propane on board
When it comes to alternative fuels, propane sometimes called liquefied petroleum gas, or LPG dwarfs all others in terms of total vehicles in operation, both on and off the road. Of those propane vehicles being used, many are in municipal … Continue reading →
Traffic stops: Laws to ‘live’ by
Residential streets You shall always make vehicle traffic stops in a safe manner for you and the suspect vehicle. All traffic stops will include emergency lights and sirens. When making traffic stops on residential streets, look for side streets or … Continue reading →
What’s the hurry? Law enforcement motorcycle fleet officer training
There’s no such thing as too much training when it comes to safe stops for police motorcycle units, according to two experts on the topic. Jim Polan is a 34-year veteran of law enforcement and is currently a major with … Continue reading →
Husky Portable Containment leads the pack
The good news is coming fast and furious for Husky Portable Containment, an innovator in the field of portable folding tanks for firefighting. In the middle of last year the company received an approval for which it had been waiting … Continue reading →
Fleet service and management
Two fleet-related conferences are currently ramping up and will take place in April. One, the NAFA Fleet Management Association Institute and Expo, leans toward the car and SUV needs of municipalities. The other, the American Public Works Association North American … Continue reading →
What millennials’ waning interest in driving means for transportation planning
PHINEAS BAXANDALL | Guest columnist Senior analyst and program director, U.S. Public Interest Research Group A new report from the U.S. Public Interest Research Group Education Fund and the Frontier Group shows mounting evidence that the millennial generation’s dramatic shift … Continue reading →
Top Ten Small cities with the highest number of Energy Star certified buildings
Some of the most energy-efficient cities in the U.S. were located in smaller cities and towns in 2014, as evidenced by a list compiled by energystar.gov — proving that energy efficiency is an attainable goal for a municipality of any … Continue reading →
‘We know what keeps you awake at night:’ NTEA and the Green Truck Summit
NTEA Work Truck Show March 4–6 Indiana Convention Center, Indianapolis, Ind. Registration for The Work Truck Show and the Green Truck Summit is open. For more information visit www.ntea.com/worktruckshow or call (800) 441-6832. Control fleet costs; maximize return on equipment … Continue reading →
Flags of our cities Lancaster Pennsylvania
Settled 1729 The Red Rose City cityoflancasterpa.com In 1907 a resolution was adopted in Lancaster, Pa., that said a municipal flag should be prepared. That directive was not carried out until 1926, however, when two copies of a flag design … Continue reading →
Community solar provides value, savings for municipal utilities
The solar industry is growing at an unprecedented rate throughout the U.S. By the end of 2015, the Solar Energy Industries Association predicts there will be enough solar power capacity installed to power more than 5.8 million homes. Municipal utilities … Continue reading →