What’s eating away at your vehicle
De-icing chemicals: A growing threat Motor vehicles face a constant battle against the elements, with one of the most insidious threats being corrosion. In colder climates where snow and ice are prevalent, it’s not uncommon to see traditional road salt … More from our cover sponsor →
Municipal leadership: encouraging women to take the helm
It’s an issue presumed to have been relegated to past generations: the underrepresentation of women in local, state and federal government leadership. But in February, “Meet the Press” moderator Chuck Todd made an observation. In the company of female officials … Continue reading →
Focus on: City & Town Management
85% In an overwhelming majority of U.S. cities with populations greater than 2,500, in addition to an elected mayor, there is also a professional manager in place who is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the community. Source: www.icma.org … Continue reading →
SlideZilla offers creative storage solutions to municipalities
Municipalities are seeing the benefits and flexibility that come with the “monster storage” solutions offered by the SlideZilla line of truck sliding trays. SlideZilla is designed and manufactured by MORryde International Inc. MORryde has been a leader in the recreational … Continue reading →
Why are women opting out of municipal leadership?
City and town management is receiving special coverage in this issue of The Municipal. We’re pleased to take a look at the values and characteristics of two different generations of residents who are living in your city, and which improvements … Continue reading →
Mueller Company Masters of water flow control
By JOHN PENSEC | Senior director of communications and public affairs, Mueller Water Products, Inc. DERON AUSTIN, PE | Director of marketing and communications, Mueller Co. LLC The physical and economic health of our cities depends on access to safe, … Continue reading →
Flags of our cities Wausau Wisconsin
Settled 1840 Pop: 39,106 (2010) Government Type: Mayor and city council www.ci.wausau.wi.us Once upon a time the area now known as Wausau, Wis., was the home of Ojibwa Indians. Shortly after 1836 land all along the Wisconsin River was transferred … Continue reading →
News & Notes
IOP partners with Monroe Truck Equipment Evanston, Ill. — Industrial Opportunity Partners, an operations-focused private equity firm based in Evanston, Ill., announced it has partnered with the current management team and owners of Monroe Truck Equipment Inc. in an investment … Continue reading →
Reality check Are you a firefighter or an employee?
CAPT. ARTHUR ASHLEY | Guest columnist Lexington, Ky., Fire Department The United States is protected every day on the homefront by first responders. When an incident happens, firefighters are the largest number of responders who answer the call. From fires … Continue reading →
Gary Lee Moore, City Engineer of the City of Los Angeles, Appointed to Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure Board of Directors
KANSAS CITY, MO. — The American Public Works Association (APWA) announced today that Gary Lee Moore, City Engineer of the City of Los Angeles, has been appointed to the Board of Directors of the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure (ISI). Moore … Continue reading →
Families first: Collierville, Tenn.
You may have heard the news: Collierville, Tenn., was honored by Parade Magazine in 2014 for having “America’s Best Main Street.” The White House and an assembly of federal departments and organizations have taken notice of the town, too. The … Continue reading →
Annual fire hydrant maintenance
Fire hydrants are so commonplace that they barely register in the public’s perception. But if this equipment isn’t properly maintained, it could be useless in an emergency. There are many essential tasks that require the attention of water department and … Continue reading →
Helmets honor fallen fire service heroes
Like most Americans, Adam Culbertson remembers exactly where he was on Sept. 11, 2001, when he heard that planes had crashed into the World Trade Center. Unlike all of them, Culbertson has crafted a stunningly poignant and beautiful firefighter’s helmet … Continue reading →
Fire safety promotion really does save lives
It’s a worst-case scenario: A family wakes up in the middle of the night to the sound of a smoke detector blaring. Upstairs, the kids are asleep: But without hesitation, the parents rush in and get them out. Smoke is … Continue reading →
Focus on Firefighting: Facts
1 Mile The approximate distance eight first responders in Buffalo, N.Y., carried a patient to a hospital in November, when local roads became impassable for their ambulance. 71 Percent Nearly three-quarters of career firefighters fulfill their vocation in communities that … Continue reading →
Custom built for an uncommon price: Southeast Apparatus
Who wants their new fire truck custom built? Better question… Who doesn’t want their new fire truck custom built? Imagine for just a moment that you can have everything exactly the way you want it when taking delivery of the … Continue reading →
Bakken crude alert
Whether you credit — or blame — President Obama’s development of alternative energy options, the instability of foreign oil-producing countries or domestic dissatisfaction with dependence on foreign oil, it’s evident that the U.S. has lessened that dependence in recent years. … Continue reading →
IAA: Helping municipalities get more from their vehicles
Since 1982, Insurance Auto Auctions (IAA) has forged relationships with thousands of unique vehicle sellers throughout North America, gaining the experience necessary to understand the nuances of nearly every market, including government agencies and municipalities. IAA provides services designed to … Continue reading →
Next-generation cities
By NATALIE VAN HOOSE | Department of Agricultural Communication, Purdue University When Dev Niyogi swapped a career in civil engineering for climatology, he had little idea that his new field would take him straight back to the cityscape. Nor could … Continue reading →