What’s eating away at your vehicle
De-icing chemicals: A growing threat Motor vehicles face a constant battle against the elements, with one of the most insidious threats being corrosion. In colder climates where snow and ice are prevalent, it’s not uncommon to see traditional road salt … More from our cover sponsor →
Technology takes drilling in a new direction
Sewer separation and other projects that require underground piping or wiring can be both costly and messy. With this in mind, cities like Edina, Minn., are turning to trenchless technology to get the job done. Trenchless horizontal directional drilling is … Continue reading →
Keeping fleet and municipality workers efficient
By IAN LAHMER, Marketing Director | Venco Venturo Industries LLC A majority of municipalities operate on a budget that requires diligent purchases for their vehicle fleets and maintenance trucks. These smaller municipalities also operate with one or two vehicles that … Continue reading →
#NPWW sends some love to public works
During National Public Works week last month, following the hashtag #NPWW on Twitter triggered a flood of well wishes, accolades, appreciation and a surprising number of photos. The stream depicted hundreds of community events held to showcase the work of … Continue reading →
Hodag Country Festival
A 120-year-old creature that never existed has literally given Rhinelander, Wis., the business. The Hodag, a reptilian curiosity with “the head of a frog, the grinning face of a giant elephant, thick short legs set off by huge claws, the … Continue reading →
Folkmoot, USA
Waynesville, N.C., population 9,739, is an idyllic little burg nestled in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and steeped in warm Southern hospitality. Its tree-lined Main Street is generously dotted with charming shops, galleries, cafes, restaurants and breweries. According to … Continue reading →
Legislative update: preserving the tax-exempt status of municipal bonds
Sınce the Great Recessıon, lawmakers ın the natıon’s capital have struggled to fi nd ways to solve the enigma that is the federal debt and defi cit. Th ere have been countless committees, commissions and bipartisan groups that have put … Continue reading →
Gainesville Florida
Settled 1700s Pop: 127,488 (2013) Government type: Mayor, manager and city commission www.cityofgainesville.org The development of railroad transportation and commerce in the state of Florida fi gured quite largely into the design of the Gainesville, Fla., city flag. Even as … Continue reading →
Pothole reporting in the information age
As the old joke goes, some cıtıes have two seasons: winter and pothole repair. Each spring, keeping up with the dozens, hundreds or even thousands of miles of asphalt that need repair begins by identifying and prioritizing the potholes. This … Continue reading →
Fleet administrators gather in Florida
NAFA Fleet Management Association’s annual conference, held in Orlando, Fla., April 14–17, was three days filled with ride-and-drive opportunities, chances to catch up with friends and mentors in the fleet industry, information and training sessions and even time to enjoy … Continue reading →
‘You’re only as good as your last storm:’ APWA North American Snow Conference
It’s not a matter of if extreme winter weather will hit, but when. Negating its effect is all that matters. That was the reality at this year’s gathering of American Public Works Association snow and ice professionals, who came to … Continue reading →
Toro: The name for easy grounds and landscape management
The Toro Motor Company was founded on July 10, 1914, to provide engines for one of the early leaders in the tractor field, The Bull Tractor Company of Minneapolis. Although established as an independent company, the name “Toro” was chosen … Continue reading →
The ‘stats’ on parks and rec
Perhaps ıt’s faır to say there was once a mısconception within the leadership of parks and recreation: that statistics were not always relevant and were even somewhat unnecessary. While the issue is subject to debate, some directors have found inspiration … Continue reading →
Aladtec to Attend Police Security Expo – The Industry’s Longest Running Product Showcase
Over 7,000 head to the “SuperShow” to see the latest and greatest products for the Police and Security Sectors. June 22, 2015 – Atlantic City. NJ – The 29th annual Police Security Expo (PSE) runs June 23rd and 24th at … Continue reading →
The 4×4 size-up method
Fırefıghters apply critical sıze-up techniques when they arrive at the site of a fire. Chief Rick Ennis of the Cape Girardeau, Mo., department has added a new dimension to this protocol by developing what he calls the “4×4 Size-Up Method” … Continue reading →
Crisis-moment volunteer management
Following a major disaster, volunteers arrive on the scene, ready to lend a hand. For the most part, communities in crisis mode find volunteer help invaluable; however, if not managed properly, even good volunteers can become a liability. Kevin Peters … Continue reading →
Small-town solution: Producing and blending liquids
When Matt Wıttum was promoted to public works supervisor for the village of Spring Grove, Ill., the pocket-sized agency on the state’s northern border wasn’t into liquids. “Can’t say as I was either,” said Wittum. “I had the mentality of, … Continue reading →