What’s eating away at your vehicle
De-icing chemicals: A growing threat Motor vehicles face a constant battle against the elements, with one of the most insidious threats being corrosion. In colder climates where snow and ice are prevalent, it’s not uncommon to see traditional road salt … More from our cover sponsor →
Albany, Georgia
Settled: 1836 Pop: 77,434 Government type: Mayor, city manager and board of commissioners www.albany.ga.us There might not have been a more welcome sight in the city of Albany, Ga., in 1881 than the miracle Col. John Porter Fort produced. With … Continue reading →
NRPA hits the big 5-0 in Vegas
If there’s one place made to whoop it up and celebrate a half-century milestone, that place would be Las Vegas. That’s why it’s fitting that the National Recreation and Parks Association’s annual conference will take place at Mandalay Bay Sept. … Continue reading →
Phoenix to host public works professionals
The biggest annual gathering of municipal water treatment, street department, sanitary sewer, stormwater and engineering professionals — American Public Works Association’s International Public Works Congress and Exposition — gets underway at the end of this month in Phoenix, Ariz. “The … Continue reading →
Eighteenth annual Snow and Ice Symposium
Snow and Ice Management Association brought private sector snow professionals together June 21–24 in Schaumburg, Ill., to compare strategies for picking up where municipalities’ responsibility ends. The SIMA Snow and Ice Symposium featured industry and thought leaders like Sasha Strauss, … Continue reading →
World Chicken Festival 2015 festival dates: Sept. 24-27
For the past quarter-century during the last full weekend of September, the small town of London, Ky., in Laurel County, has commemorated two of its favorite sons with a “finger lickin’ good” downtown festival that draws upwards of a whopping … Continue reading →
Mothman Festival Sept. 19 and 20
“He” was first sighted on Nov. 12, 1966, by five gravediggers; then three days later by two young couples, and over the next 13 months by more than 100 people in the Point Pleasant, W. Va., area. He has been … Continue reading →
CNG and fleets: building your business case
Fleets considering a compressed natural gas program now have two online resources to help evaluate economic soundness. Natural gas has come to the forefront of the country’s energy news recently as a clean-burning, abundant and domestically produced energy source. In … Continue reading →
Transformational thinking: ‘Project Kill the Flashover’
Controlling extreme fire behavior is part of the mission of the fire service. Preventing flashover — that moment when the combustible material in an enclosed area reaches its maximum ability to absorb heat energy and ignites nearly all at once … Continue reading →
Wildlife underpasses: projects in partnership
What makes partnerships work, when they are for improvements in a local area but require the help of different levels of government and different organizations to pull them off ? This question arose in an article that Jeff Mast, of … Continue reading →
Light strategies
Cities around the globe have been seeing the light ever so clearly the last few years not only in terms of residential illumination, but also as a way of creatively and proudly highlighting buildings, bridges, monuments and landmarks. Lower cost … Continue reading →
Antebellum preservation makes for a Great American Main Street
It takes many hands to raise a village, but even more are needed to raise and maintain a city. Milledgeville, Ga., has a rich history of civic pride, flowing with figures of note and decades of family ancestry. It has … Continue reading →
The tricky topic of bias
The face of prejudice changes with time; the perspective and identity of both the judger and the judgee change, morphing into different identities and forms in different generations. Throughout generations and around the country, traditional racial profiling training programs have … Continue reading →
NYPD Blue Waters
Harbor patrols and scuba units may not be the first thing people think of when they hear “NYPD,” but Manhattan is an island. All five boroughs that make up New York City are on the water, so it has a … Continue reading →
Police fleets get wet
Whether by land or by sea — and sometimes by air — law enforcement agencies are on the job protecting the public and upholding the laws. Many cities across the U.S. also have coastal boundaries as well, and to patrol … Continue reading →
Acceptance of body cameras gains ground
Over the past year, police use of body cameras has become a prominent issue nationwide. As more media coverage highlights law enforcement’s use of force incidents, more pressure is being put on administrations to adopt the technology. South Carolina recently … Continue reading →
Come together Are police and fire department mergers catching on?
With budget cuts and layoffs consistently causing police and fire departments to do more with less, communities across the nation are seeking outside-the-box solutions to maintain and manage those critical areas of public service. Among the most controversial is the … Continue reading →
Law Enforcement
#WhyIWearTheBadge A promotion of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, for some time now it has been encouraging officers to Tweet about why they’re officers and to post a picture. www.theiacp.org/whyiwearthebadge
Continue reading →Law enforcement data in an instant
In a world of ever-changing technology, it’s important for law enforcement to stay one step ahead of criminals. As two recent high-profile cases illustrated, New World Systems’ AEGIS Public Safety software does just that. The following stories highlight the effectiveness … Continue reading →