What’s eating away at your vehicle
De-icing chemicals: A growing threat Motor vehicles face a constant battle against the elements, with one of the most insidious threats being corrosion. In colder climates where snow and ice are prevalent, it’s not uncommon to see traditional road salt … More from our cover sponsor →
Patriot Day message: Remember and reach out
Since 2001, 9/11 is a date synonymous with tragic attacks that claimed the lives of nearly 3,000 men, women and children in New York; Washington, D.C.; and Pennsylvania. However, in the years that have followed, Sept. 11 has come to … Continue reading →
Rapid intervention for the understaffed company
Because failure is not an option By DAVE TOPCZYNSKI | Firefighter, Newport News, Va. Part 1 of 3 The topic of short-staffed operations is often overlooked, despite it being an issue that many municipalities deal with across the country. Understaffed … Continue reading →
Black River Tunnel to bring city in line with EPA code
Lorain, Ohio, a city of approximately 63,710, is stepping up to meet EPA standards with its new waste water tunnel project, called the Black River Tunnel. The project will run along the west side of the Black River. Work offi … Continue reading →
Nurse on board
American health care is continually seeing changes in legislation, technology and practice, both nationally and locally. Health care providers are ever searching for innovations that deliver services more efficiently and cost effectively. One example of that innovation can be found … Continue reading →
The changing role of the mall
Analysts and consumers alike have expressed rationales as to why sprawling shopping malls are fast becoming retail relics. Although they have differing opinions on what precipitated the downward spiral, there is one common reason on which they agree — the … Continue reading →
Where do they wave? Interest in municipal flags wanes even as technology makes small orders cheaper
Flying the flag is a priority for the nation and U.S. states, but at the municipal level the practice is more hit and miss. Dennis Criscuolo, owner and manager of The Flag Center, said he’s seen a slight decrease in … Continue reading →
Cause to pause Reading body language in difficult situations
When police arrive at the scene of a call, they typically have little to go on. They may have received a report that an agitated individual has gotten increasingly out of sorts, but until they arrive on scene, there is … Continue reading →
Uber battles: To share or not to share
According to R Street Institute, a public policy think tank that promotes free markets and effective government, “Upstart transportation-for-hire companies like Uber, Lyft and Sidecar have attracted millions of riders, rattled competitors and upended markets with the whirlwind forces of … Continue reading →
Green partnerships build better communities
In the grand scheme of things, green infrastructure and retrofits are still the new kids on the block. Their newness is, perhaps, what makes forming partnerships so vital to succeeding with one. “All relationships are important,” Don Green, water quality … Continue reading →
Mayoral management: Practical Tweeting
We are living in the age of instantaneous information. Perhaps nowhere has this become more evident than in the proliferation and delivery of news. Everyone, everywhere, is racing to be the elite, the first. Sometimes that race can be compromised … Continue reading →
Reinventing Racine Rust belt community comes back
Located along the shore of Lake Michigan between Milwaukee and Chicago, Racine, Wis., is a Rust Belt community of 78,000 built on the backs of a diverse immigrant population that moved into the area during the late 19th and early … Continue reading →
Boosting biogas, profitably
Converting wasted food to energy can be an effective approach to keeping user rates low and forging or continuing on a path to sustainability. Sharon Thieszen, superintendent of the Sheboygan, Wis., Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility, believes in the merits of … Continue reading →
Organizations join to write the book on municipal recycling contracts
Two of the leading organizations in solid waste and recycling joined forces last year to compile comprehensive guidelines that they believe are mutually beneficial for municipalities, waste management companies and material recovery facilities. The result of the collaboration between the … Continue reading →
Prescribed burns — Does your area need them?
Playing with fire — legally — is sometimes necessary and even beneficial. That fact has some communities contemplating prescribed burning in their areas. In addition to interacting with other municipalities and state forestry departments for up-to-date information, communities may first … Continue reading →
Do you need a high-dump sweeper?
For many years, almost every model of mechanical sweeper had the capability to lift the debris hopper high enough to off-load the collected debris into a truck or roll-off container. For regenerative air sweepers, the product offerings were significantly less … Continue reading →
A Crisis Averted
In early August, President Obama signed a bill crafted by the House and Senate that will keep the Highway Trust Fund from running out of what relatively little money it has until October. It was another Hail Mary pass by … Continue reading →
News & Notes August 2015
APWA commends introduction of six-year transportation reauthorization DRIVE Act Washington, D.C. — Th e American Public Works Association commended the bipartisan leadership of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, Chairman Jim Inhofe (R-OK) and Ranking Member Barbara Boxer (D-CA), … Continue reading →
Aladtec workforce management solutions for public safety
Aladtec, located in Hudson, Wis., provides an Internet-based employee scheduling and workforce management system created specifically for the public safety sector: EMS, fire/rescue, police, dispatch and public works. It’s a great tool for individual agencies or municipality-wide. It all started … Continue reading →