What’s eating away at your vehicle
De-icing chemicals: A growing threat Motor vehicles face a constant battle against the elements, with one of the most insidious threats being corrosion. In colder climates where snow and ice are prevalent, it’s not uncommon to see traditional road salt … More from our cover sponsor →
Awwwwww shucks
Every year in early November, Urbanna, Va., hosts a weekend oyster festival, which yields state — and oft en national — shucking champions, draws beauty queens and their courts from all over Virginia and attracts 50,000 to 75,000 visitors from … Continue reading →
Choosing the right safety sign: A/C vs. solar power
Radar speed check signs have become popular devices for slowing traffic and increasing worker safety. Thanks to new technologies, these signs have become more effective and easier to deploy than ever before. For instance, improvements in sign designs that make … Continue reading →
The witching hour – Who makes the rules regarding trick or treat?
It is the nation’s second-largest commercial holiday, one that Americans spend an estimated $6 billion on annually. Although Halloween is rooted in the 2,000-year-old pre-Christian Celtic festival honoring the deceased, it has evolved over the years, and today is most … Continue reading →
Rapid intervention for the understaffed company
Because failure is not an option By DAVE TOPCZYNSKI | Firefighter, Newport News, Va. The size up Size ups are used to gather information before a mayday occurs, to help us stay ahead of the game. Conducting a good size … Continue reading →
Sex trafficking: Remaining alert in rural and urban areas
There are many countries at the forefront of the sexual slavery trafficking; Thailand, Cambodia, Amsterdam are referenced numerous times in the media, yet there are over 160 countries actually affected. Each year, more than $99 billion is earned globally through … Continue reading →
Data-Driven Approaches to Crime and Traffic Safety
Targeted response and deployment: It means using the best resources and data to aid shift commanders’ decision-making process. For the New Bern, N.C., Police Department, it also presented the opportunity to couple the department’s community policing practices with reliable, evidence-based … Continue reading →
Three for three
Lydia Mihalik is the mayor of Findlay, Ohio, population 41,512, just south of Toledo. The “flag city of the U.S.” is also a micropolitan community that’s in growth mode. The Municipal: Mayor Mihalik, please tell us a little bit about … Continue reading →
Finding funds for parks and recreation How one city overcame the dilemma
Following the 2008 economic downturn, America’s parks faced a funding crisis. Although the economy has bounced back and consumers are spending a bit more freely, parks haven’t seen the light at the end of this particular tunnel yet. Columbia, Mo., … Continue reading →
Budgeting for weather How municipal golf courses fare
According to Greg Barnes, assistant superintendent of Wilmington Municipal Golf Course, there have been several instances over the decades of that region in North Carolina being affected by bouts of snow, ice and flooding due to heavy rainfall. “But we … Continue reading →
Festival Freshen-ups
What causes local festivals to go stale? Why do people stop coming to events that were once successful? How do events that were once alive and unique get so bland that they look like every other festival out there? Mentor, … Continue reading →
Should your resources be going to the dogs?
It’s estimated that more than a one-third of Americans own dogs. With the popularity of man’s best friend comes the need for municipalities to accommodate their needs. Knoxville, Tenn., and Carol Stream, Ill., are two cities that have gone the … Continue reading →
Carmel Clay Parks and Recreation
The Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation Department in Carmel, Ind., has enjoyed the fruits of a successful marketing plan. According to Lindsay Labas, marketing director, part of that success has to do with the department’s company culture and core values. … Continue reading →
Marketing strategies for municipal parks
Municipal parks and recreation departments may be in the business of providing fun and relaxation resources for visitors, but doing so successfully means getting serious about the business of recreation. It means developing strategic marketing plans so that each city … Continue reading →
Why not supplement a fleet with tractors?
HLA Snow was created as part of the HLA Attachments line of products a little over 20 years ago. Working in dirt and other materials, HLA always knew that tractors and industrial equipment are very capable machines that people use … Continue reading →
Of parks and firefighting
Fall is well underway and winter’s on the doorstep, so maybe now really is the best time for parks and recreation departments to reflect on what worked and what didn’t this year, and to plot out how to bring those … Continue reading →
Mankato, Minn.
Settled: 1852 Pop: 40,641 (2013) Government type: City manager, mayor and city council www.mankatomn.gov As municipal flags go, Mankato’s is just a youngster: It was chosen in 1991 from among dozens of entries in a contest held in the heart … Continue reading →
Wooden Boat Show Georgetown, S.C.
Many municipalities are blessed with both a rich history and a beautiful geographic setting. Some, like Georgetown, S.C., a harbor town on Winyah Bay, work hard to make the most of that propitious combination. Th e town of 9,099 will … Continue reading →
Defeat of Jesse James Days Northfi eld, Minn.
In the short span of seven minutes a century and a half ago, the small town of Northfield, Minn., created some hometown heroes, foiled a bank robbery, precipitated the downfall of a notorious outlaw gang and provided historical fodder for … Continue reading →