What’s eating away at your vehicle
De-icing chemicals: A growing threat Motor vehicles face a constant battle against the elements, with one of the most insidious threats being corrosion. In colder climates where snow and ice are prevalent, it’s not uncommon to see traditional road salt … More from our cover sponsor →
Municipal offices aim for the cloud
Adopting a cloud computing solution can save time and money and increase transparency, but it’s not a decision to be taken lightly. Canton, Ga., proves cloud computing can add value to local government. As chief information officer there, Camile Wehs … Continue reading →
Golden anniversary for National Recreation and Park Association
In September the National Recreation and Park Association hosted its 50th Anniversary Conference in Las Vegas giving professionals the opportunity to network, learn and look forward to developing the exciting parks of tomorrow. This professional metropolitan organization, which has been … Continue reading →
Pensacola partnership sets an example
A unique partnership between the city of Pensacola, Fla., and Emerald Coast Utility Authority is an example of public/private partnership success. As municipal budgets continue to be stretched to the limits, it seems as if the public/private partnership trend will … Continue reading →
Nights of Lights
Most city festivals run for a day or a weekend. A few stretch out longer, occasionally a week or more. But St. Augustine, Fla., the nation’s oldest city, may well have the longest holiday celebration in the United States. The … Continue reading →
Mayor Branch overcomes in Tallulah
Since 2014, Paxton J. Branch has been the mayor of Tallulah, La., located in the northeastern part of the state just across the Mississippi River from Vicksburg, Miss. It was once a booming town, but the introduction of Interstate 20 … Continue reading →
Berne, Ind.: Swiss Homeland U.S.A.
“It has been a conscious effort from day one.” Mark Settlemyre, president of the Berne, Ind., Chamber of Commerce, spoke of the Swiss spark mobilizing his fair community since 1852. That’s when a small troupe of 70 devout and rigorously … Continue reading →
Spreading goodwill and season’s tidings
Year-round, first responders make an impact in their communities — both on and off the clock. The majority of those in the field want to make lasting, positive contributions to the community they’ve signed up to serve and protect. While … Continue reading →
Cities with the most high-tech jobs
The U.S. economy lags behind developed nations that are investing more heavily in education, technology, innovation and other industries that invigorate their national economies. The percentage of U.S. workers employed in what the Brookings Institution calls “advanced industries” has fallen … Continue reading →
Regional information technology networking groups
DARREN DAVEY | Guest columnist Information Technology Manager, Vandalia, Ohio The idea of developing a collaborative, professional networking group for information technology managers and directors seems like a pretty straightforward concept, considering that such individuals work day after day to … Continue reading →
Finding a social media balance among municipalities and workers
Social media is a widely used platform among residents all over the country. Increasingly, businesses and nonprofits are adding to the list of big names who have a social media presence, and municipalities are no exception. Fire departments and police … Continue reading →
Wilkesboro, North Carolina
Founded in 1800 Pop: 3,413 (2010) Government type: Council-manager www.wilkesboronorthcarolina.com The county seat of Wilkes County, the town of Wilkesboro sits atop a low, broad ridge, which runs for over a mile along the south bank of the Yadkin River. … Continue reading →
Fire service mobile data solution breaks from tradition to improve features, reduce cost
Amid increasing dissatisfaction with mobile data solutions for firefighters, fire departments across the country are turning to the cloud for a new alternative. Mobile workstations are widely used by fire and police responders. The software behind these computers has traditionally … Continue reading →
News & Notes
Aero Industries donates to Folds Of Honor Indianapolis, Ind. — Aero Industries Inc., a global leader in the manufacturing of tarp systems and trailer accessories, is committed to supporting the men and women who have served in U.S. military forces. … Continue reading →
‘Sharing Great Ideas’ in Vegas
A celebration worthy of a 50-year anniversary took place in Las Vegas, Nev., Sept. 15–17. National Parks and Recreation Association professionals converged on the Entertainment Capital of the World to take their skills up a notch and explore new ideas … Continue reading →
Benefit from an auction partner Sell your vehicles, save your resources
In the best-run municipal departments across the country, every minute and dollar go where they can make the biggest impact. Achieving that efficiency can be difficult in the face of challenging tasks, including the disposal of vehicles that have outlived … Continue reading →
A ‘Dickens of a Christmas’
During the second weekend of December every year — this year Dec. 12–13 — 50,000 holiday revelers descend on Franklin, Tenn., to have themselves, quite literally, one “Dickens of a Christmas.” For 31 years, the city of nearly 69,000 residents … Continue reading →
Rapid intervention for the understaffed company – Because failure is not an option
By DAVE TOPCZYNSKI | Firefighter, Newport News, Va. Part 3 of 3 Making the rescue Every situation is going to be different. There is no set answer ahead of time for every situation a rapid intervention team may encounter. There … Continue reading →
Veterans welcome in fire equipment ‘family’
Not every veteran who fills out an application is hired to work on the team of Finley Fire Equipment Co. Inc. But owner John W. Finley has learned over the years that more often then not, military service, fire service … Continue reading →