What’s eating away at your vehicle
De-icing chemicals: A growing threat Motor vehicles face a constant battle against the elements, with one of the most insidious threats being corrosion. In colder climates where snow and ice are prevalent, it’s not uncommon to see traditional road salt … More from our cover sponsor →
The tip of the water infrastructure iceberg
Flint’s deteriorated water infrastructure is not unique, agreed Tom Hickmann, P.E., director of engineering and infrastructure planning with the city of Bend, Ore., and Eric LaBelle, P.E., Kennebunk, Maine, public services director. Both men are members of the APWA Water … Continue reading →
Flint prioritizes getting the lead out
Infrastructure is a growing source of concern, whether pertaining to roadways or water and wastewater systems. Flint, Mich., became a visual example of the U.S.’s failing infrastructure last year, when it was forced to deal with a major water crisis … Continue reading →
A history of service for youth
Joe Middendorf is the director of security and public safety for a Cincinnati National Historic Landmark, Union Terminal, which houses the Cincinnati Museum Center. His purview also includes the National Underground Railroad Museum Freedom Center and the Geier Collections & … Continue reading →
Acuity Brands Lighting and Controls help El Paso reach sustainability goals, reduce operating costs
The challenge The city of El Paso, Texas, partnered with Johnson Controls Inc. and Acuity Brands Lighting to help support the city’s sustainability goals and modernize its infrastructure. The city’s General Services Department worked with Johnson Controls to comply with … Continue reading →
Dynamic message road signs
Pity the poor Conestoga travelers of the 1800s heading west. They had no way of knowing if a band of renegades was around the next bend, or if a herd of bison was ready to thunder their way down the … Continue reading →
Images of the future
On one particular evening recently, I tried but failed to follow a sloppy “Contagion” story plot on prime time TV; failing miserably, I defaulted to checking the day’s top stories on my phone. Normally I’m good at scrolling past anything … Continue reading →
Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad: Audubon, Iowa
Audubon, Iowa, was platted by a railroad, settled through the invaluable efforts of two highly energetic real estate promoters and named after a vaunted ornithologist and artist who may or may not have passed through the area 35 years before. … Continue reading →
‘Magic Capital of the World’: Colon, Mich.
Welcome to a town literally named after a punctuation mark … a town whose charm compels visitors to stay for life, even if they intended only to pass through … a town with more abracadabra per capita than anywhere else … Continue reading →
Accelerated bridge construction
Bridges are vital to the transportation system, but in practically every state, a number of them have received failing grades and need to be replaced. One way that federal, state and local officials are addressing the problem is by knowing … Continue reading →
‘Power’ play Why communities reclaim utilities from private companies
It’s easy to understand why the buzz continues about municipalizing utilities. With environmental concerns, reliability issues, rate increases and the desire to infuse more renewable resources into the power grid, it’s no surprise municipalities are looking to reclaim their electricity … Continue reading →
The value’s in the versatility – Switch-N-Go truck bodies
No one has yet dared to say that state and local governments have pulled out of the recession. After eight long years, municipal bonds remain at a 15-year low. Personnel retirements are still only occasionally being replaced with new hires … Continue reading →
Let there be light – UV disinfection moves from drinking water to wastewater application
The goal of a wastewater treatment facility is to remove visible and invisible material from sewage so that it can be returned to the environment and used again. The elements removed include human waste, food scraps, chemicals, minerals and other … Continue reading →
Municipal storage tank solutions
Gray water gains aesthetics Few things are more desirable to quality of life than clear, sparkling water – to drink, bathe and swim in, to wash dishes and launder clothes with. But like many other facets of life today, recycled … Continue reading →
Municipal storage tank solutions
Holding back floodwaters Because of its coastal proximity and hydrology, much of Elizabeth, N.J., is prone to flooding. The city is situated next to Newark Bay and, to the south of that, Arthur Kill. From the strait that comprises Arthur … Continue reading →
CSO separation largest public works project in history of Hoosier urban center
As a result of the creation of the CSO Control Policy of 1994, cities across the country were obligated by the Environmental Protection Association to lay out plans to eliminate the occasional fl ow of raw sewage into natural waterways. … Continue reading →
Ten years to a zero waste community
Beyond the obvious benefit of reducing waste in landfills, zero waste communities give life to the idea of being able to eliminate the need for hauling waste. It may seem like a pipe dream, but it’s one more communities are … Continue reading →
Andrew Hynes: Elizabethtown, Ky.
Back in the days of Colonel Andrew Hynes, who lived from Feb. 28, 1750, to September of 1800, establishing a town was not always as simple as staking a plot of uncharted wilderness, tacking up a few shanties and growing … Continue reading →
Family-friendly water fun: Wisconsin Dells, Wis.
Wisconsin Dells, Wis., has long served as a Midwest tourist destination. Its natural scenic sandstone cliffs and rock formations have enticed visitors for more than 150 years. But only in the last decade has the small burg in central Wisconsin, … Continue reading →