What’s eating away at your vehicle
De-icing chemicals: A growing threat Motor vehicles face a constant battle against the elements, with one of the most insidious threats being corrosion. In colder climates where snow and ice are prevalent, it’s not uncommon to see traditional road salt … More from our cover sponsor →
Municipalities using GPS system monitoring for fleet management
One of the most important parts of running any business is assessing the risks and finding ways to manage said risks. When it comes to managing an entire fleet this can become even more difficult. Many cities have begun to … Continue reading →
Municipalities bring light to ‘dark store’ strategy
It’s a trend that seems to be sweeping the nation — Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, Texas, Alabama and Florida are among the many states that have found themselves in a battle with the “big box stores” over property tax revenue — … Continue reading →
Oakwood, Ga.: More than 30 P3s and counting
Oakwood, Ga., City Manager Stan Brown, who has been with the city for 13 years, has accomplished a great deal in the area of public- private partnerships within the last five to 10 years. More than 30 such partnerships have … Continue reading →
‘The Quietest Town in America’
Welcome to the hushed confines of Green Bank, W.Va., noted as “The Quietest Town in America.” Within the tiny unincorporated hamlet of 143 residents, cell calls and texting are prohibited; car radios scroll across the dial in the vain search … Continue reading →
Pollinators find support among cities
To bee or not to bee? With apologies to The Bard of Avon, more and more municipalities are saying yes to bee … raising bees. The town of Carrboro, N.C., with a population of about 19,582, for example, has been … Continue reading →
Getting the best value out of the bidding process
While bid processes are guided by law, regulation and sometimes policy, the smaller the entity the less likely it is the municipality will have codified its procurement process — and certainly the less likely it will put out any sort … Continue reading →
William Butler: Saugatuck, Mich.
For several years, William G. Butler (1799-1857) and his wife, Emily, were the only white inhabitants of what would become known as Saugatuck, Mich., and its surrounding county of Allegan. They were by all historical accounts “on the most kindly … Continue reading →
January 2017 Edition of The Municipal Available Now
In this Digital Issue: Page 20 – Focus on Budget & Finance: Getting the best value out of the bidding process Page 24 – Focus on Budget & Finance: Pollinators find support among cities Page 26 – Focus on Budget … Continue reading →
Cooperative buying saves time and money
by DEE WARREN | Land Pride Marketing Manager In today’s world of tight budgets and lean staffing, it is imperative that city, county, municipal and state agencies make the most of their grounds maintenance budgets with reliable equipment at reasonable … Continue reading →
Infrastructure major priority in 2017
Many municipalities are undoubtedly still grappling with budget woes, even though as a nation, we seem to be well on the road to recovery. However, there is still work that needs to be done. In particular, underfunded pensions remain a … Continue reading →
Why sticking your head in ‘the cloud’ is a good thing
It wasn’t too many years ago you wouldn’t see a computer in an office … let alone laptops, smartphones and tablets. Wow, how things have changed; it’s hard to imagine getting our job done without a computer, or even a … Continue reading →
Making Christmas happen — Bethlehem, Pa., Electrical Bureau goes above and beyond
Christmas in Bethlehem, Pa., wouldn’t be the same without the efforts of the city’s electrical bureau, which is comprised of three electricians. Electrical Bureau Chief Greg Cryder said each year the bureau runs three bucket trucks every day with three … Continue reading →
WinterPave asphalt anti-freeze brings new options for safer winter roads
WinterPave asphalt anti-freeze, brought to the United States by Cargill Deicing Technology, is an additive that gives traditional asphalt anti-icing properties. By effectively helping to reduce the bonding of ice and snow to the pavement, WinterPave asphalt anti-freeze helps create safer driving conditions, providing tremendous benefits to the general public.
Continue reading →Horse Capital of the World Ocala, Fla.
One century ago, Carl G. Rose started with asphalt and ended with horses. In 1916, Rose traveled from Indiana to Ocala, Fla., to oversee construction of that state’s first asphalt road. But he ran into problems with the material, so … Continue reading →
Implementing sustainable asset management
by MARK DECLERCQ, P.E. | City of Grand Rapids city engineer What is asset management? For the city of Grand Rapids, Mich., asset management is transformational. As city engineer for the second largest city in Michigan, transformation at multiple levels … Continue reading →
Sanitation and education key to combating Zika
Zika is officially here, and cities are stepping up to spread information and reduce mosquito populations, often building strong partnerships to do so. And while Zika is making all the headlines at the moment, other mosquito-related diseases, like West Nile … Continue reading →
Temporary structures allow cities to adapt quickly during worst-case scenarios
When twenty-five inches of snow in early February 2010 caused a total roof collapse at the Bailey’s Crossroads Volunteer Fire Department in Falls Church, Va., multiple pieces of firefighting apparatus suffered millions of dollars in damage. Located near Washington, D.C., … Continue reading →
Testing to maintain standards
In April 2014, the water coming out of the taps in Flint, Mich., began to turn a strange color. Residents began to complain about its taste, color and odor. The water would later test positive for high levels of trihalomethanes … Continue reading →