What’s eating away at your vehicle
De-icing chemicals: A growing threat Motor vehicles face a constant battle against the elements, with one of the most insidious threats being corrosion. In colder climates where snow and ice are prevalent, it’s not uncommon to see traditional road salt … More from our cover sponsor →
The propane proposition — Why communities are making the switch
With gas prices on the rise once again, concerned communities hoping to combat rate increases are looking for ways in which to fuel their fleets without busting their budgets. While some municipalities choose to invest in fuel-efficient, low-impact vehicles, others … Continue reading →
A maintained CNG station is vital to keep a fleet running
CNG has been holding its own as a popular alternative fuel choice for city fleets. In order to keep city vehicles running smoothly on CNG while also saving money in the long run, many cities are investing in CNG stations, … Continue reading →
Alternative fuels continue to shape fleet management
Green is the name of the game for many fleet mangers across the U.S. as they integrate alternative fuels and other management technologies to meet sustainability or management goals, whether those include reducing greenhouse gas emissions, cutting dependency on foreign … Continue reading →
Keeping the public in the know during storm events
Kürt Blomquist | Guest columnist Public Works Director/Emergency Management Director, Keene, N.H. Your bank sends you notıces over your phone, your teenage children live on social media and even the president of the United States tweets. If you are sitting … Continue reading →
Cities reach across borders
U.S. cıtıes have been reaching across international borders for more than 60 years, since President Dwight D. Eisenhower first launched Sister Cities International. A nonpartisan nonprofit, the organization counts more than 500 U.S. cities, counties and states as members and … Continue reading →
Engaging the community where they are — Facebook
Twenty-first century policing calls for embracing 21st century methods of communication. The Ellisville, Mo., Police Department has adopted such an approach. Patrol Officer Joey Nickles, serving in the newly created social media coordinator role, acts as a liaison between the … Continue reading →
South Carolina undertakes revitalization of its downtowns
Mix small-town charm with big-city accessibility and you’ve got Sonya Crandall’s dream come true. Crandall is the executive director of Envision Williamston, a program housed under the Main Street South Carolina initiative, which works to empower local communities with the … Continue reading →
Firework tax offers some relief to West Virginia volunteer fire departments
Beginning in 2016, West Virginia decided to allow the sale of fireworks past the simple novelty items like snakes and sparklers. Along with the ability to purchase fi reworks within the state came a 12 percent tax on all consumer … Continue reading →
Bardstown, Ky., stands among the ‘best’
Bardstown, Ky., rests among the “best” in a number of different lists. Expedia selected Bardstown as one of the “18 Most Interesting U.S. Destinations”; Fodor picked it as one of “America’s Best Small Towns”; and AARP named it one of … Continue reading →
Cities explore green roadway alternatives
Pervious concrete has gone by quite a few different name. Porous, green, permeable or “thirsty” concrete is an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional concrete for parking lots, driveways, parking lanes, alleys and roadways. It has been used primarily where water … Continue reading →
Private forecasters: Should your city be using one?
With winter here, some cities want to be even more prepared for snow and ice by using private meteorological services, which hone in on specific needs and increase lead times for cities so they can respond quicker to changing weather. … Continue reading →
Holland, Mich., heats up its sidewalks
It’s part of the season for northern and Midwestern states: mounds of snow piled up at the corners of city streets, icy sidewalks and salty slush. It can be a drain on city resources and a problem for business owners. … Continue reading →
Diverging diamond interchanges gain traction
Gilbert Chlewicki of Fulton, Md., deals in diamonds — the bigger the better. And in some cases, the cost runs around $3 to $4 million. The diamonds Chlewicki, professional engineer and director of Advanced Transportation Solutions, works with are outdoor … Continue reading →
Josiah White: Jim Thorpe, Pa.
Josiah White and Jim Thorpe never met; White died 37 years before Thorpe was born. Yet the confluence of the two men’s impact forged the town of Jim Thorpe, Pa. White (1781-1850) was an industrialist and entrepreneur with a staggering … Continue reading →
‘Hog Capital of the World’ Kewanee, Ill.
Secessionists in the antebellum South invoked the slogan “King Cotton” to advocate establishing the Confederacy as a separate nation. Kewanee, Ill., population 12,676, and its surrounding Henry County, use the phrase “King Hog” to summarize the role hog farming has … Continue reading →
February 2017 Issue of The Municipal Available Now
In this Digital Issue: Page 16 – Focus on Streets & Snow Page 18 – Focus on Streets & Snow: Diverging diamond interchanges gain traction Page 22 – Focus on Streets & Snow: Holland, Mich., heats up its sidewalks Page … Continue reading →
Innovations cutting costs, overtime
Another season of snowfighting is underway, with most of those in our readership — those of us who receive snow, anyway — having received some decent snow events already. And with winter’s return, so too comes the long hours spent … Continue reading →
An attachment to tackle any job
Having the right tool available can make every difference at the end of the day. Horst Welding is comprised of three divisions: HLA Attachments, HLA Snow and Horst Wagons, all of which specialize in providing attachments and other equipment that … Continue reading →