What’s eating away at your vehicle
De-icing chemicals: A growing threat Motor vehicles face a constant battle against the elements, with one of the most insidious threats being corrosion. In colder climates where snow and ice are prevalent, it’s not uncommon to see traditional road salt … More from our cover sponsor →
RAVO has remained passionate about sweeping for over 50 years
Since 1964, RAVO has produced high-quality street sweepers for customers all over the world. Worldwide RAVO has delivered already more than16,000 RAVO 5 and 5 iSeries sweepers to customers, including Berlin, Rome, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Dubai, Kuwait, Greenland and many more. … Continue reading →
Building community
It was beyond disheartening to witness what occurred this past August in Emancipation Park in Charlottesville, Va. From the Nazi flags being carried about to the loss of a young woman’s life, the best of the U.S. was not on … Continue reading →
Get the most out of your shop with Turf Rail
Looking to save space in your shop? Easily attached to most two post lift s, Turf Rail is the go-to for doing just that while allowing technicians to safely work on a variety of equipment, from lawn mowers to cars. Turf Rail is the perfect solution for parks departments, golf courses, airports and the turf industry as a whole.
Continue reading →Delray Beach embraces sustainable practices
Cary Glickstein | Guest columnist Mayor of Delray Beach, Fla. with Ana Puszkin-Chevlin | Guest columnist Sustainability Officer, Delray Beach, Fla. Well before “shop local” stickers appeared in the storefront windows, Delray Beach leaders understood that “localism” — the … Continue reading →
Science beats assumptions when judging flow
Ask any firefighter the most critical component of containing a blaze, and they’ll likely tell you getting water on it — but what happens when water isn’t doing the trick? The answer often lies in the study of hydraulics, the … Continue reading →
ASRs show potential to restore natural water systems
Beyond water storage, aquifer storage and recovery facilities have the potential to be used as part of a concerted effort to restore the condition of natural resources like the Florida Everglades. ASRs have been used in Florida and throughout the … Continue reading →
You say you want a resolution? Solving conflict in the municipal workplace
Whenever Jim Hunt offers a workshop on conflict resolution in the municipal workplace, he knows the room will be packed. It’s one of the biggest issues facing community leaders, and with more than 27 years in local government, including stints … Continue reading →
Farmington Hills sees savings in brine production
Even before rock salt prices got, well, saltier, officials in the city of Farmington Hills, Mich., looked for a way to reduce costs by starting their own municipal brine production facility. Mr. Kevin McCarthy, superintendent of the Department of Public … Continue reading →
Strategic improvements, stronger future: Huntington, W.Va., named ‘America’s Best Community’
When city leaders in Huntington, W.Va., first learned about the “America’s Best Community” competition, they thought it would provide them with the perfect opportunity to envision a stronger future for their constituents and to create the strategy that would turn … Continue reading →
Wadesboro Police Department gets new, repurposed digs
The old shingle exterior of a North Carolina doctor’s office has been replaced with tidy brick and a shiny new police badge. In fact, the building underwent surgery of sorts and is recovering nicely as it serves as the Wadesboro … Continue reading →
Huntington, W.Va., named ‘America’s Best Community’
When city leaders in Huntington, W.Va., first learned about the “America’s Best Community” competition, they thought it would provide them with the perfect opportunity to envision a stronger future for their constituents and to create the strategy that would turn … Continue reading →
White Plains, N.Y., designated Clean Energy Community
Give a big shout-out to White Plains, N.Y., for going for the gold and beyond where clean energy is concerned. Last May, White Plains — population 58,035 in 2014 — was designated a Clean Energy Community by the New York … Continue reading →
Decatur, Ga., leads Metro-Atlanta in environmental sustainability
One of the leading Metro-Atlanta communities in green energy and environmental sustainability is the just over 20,000 person city of Decatur, Ga. In recognition of this accomplishment, the city has received a number of accolades, including being one of the … Continue reading →
Solar Power: Leading the way to a brighter future
Embracing solar energy is a theme that has been building speed across various states and countries around the world. While green technology is always adapting, the most opportune time to take initiative in creating a green infrastructure is now — … Continue reading →
Using green alleyways to improve water quality
One up and coming method of improving water quality is reconstructing alleys. Cities are noticing that green alleys are not only able to help reduce flooding issues, but also remove pollutants and urban runoff from stormwater so that it enters … Continue reading →
Coon Rapids takes seat at sustainability table
What started as an effort to improve the city for its residents has led to national recognition and a way of life for members of the Coon Rapids, Minn., community. The city was awarded the American Public Works Association’s Sustainability … Continue reading →
Georgia Guidestones Elberton, Ga.
On March 22, 1980, next to a cow pasture north of Elberton, Ga., a mysterious white-haired gentlemen, who pseudonymically dubbed himself Robert C. Christian, unveiled perhaps the most enigmatic monuments ever erected in America. The granite multi-stone monolith’s origin is … Continue reading →
Whitesboro, N.Y.
When Hugh White settled the town of Whitesboro, N.Y., circa 1784, one of his first orders of business was to win the respect of the Native Americans inhabiting the area. According to the official account by the village, population 3,772, … Continue reading →