What’s eating away at your vehicle
De-icing chemicals: A growing threat Motor vehicles face a constant battle against the elements, with one of the most insidious threats being corrosion. In colder climates where snow and ice are prevalent, it’s not uncommon to see traditional road salt … More from our cover sponsor →
The good life: Johns Creek, Ga., named one of the nation’s ‘50 Best Places to Live’
With a nationally ranked public school system, premier municipal services, a wide range of housing options and commercial enterprises as well as a diverse population of residents who call it home, it’s no surprise that Johns Creek, Ga., has been … Continue reading →
Downsizing apparatuses and other fire department fleet trends
It is human nature when buying a new car to wish for all the bells and whistles, the more with which to impress your next-door neighbor. And don’t forget after-factory add-ons like a booming stereo, GPS navigation system and maybe … Continue reading →
Communicating vital is key to handling abandoned utilities
The potentıal dangers that lie just beneath the ground can no longer be ignored. As facilities have turned to implementing more and more underground utilities, they’ve begun to encounter not only abandoned utilities but unmarked ones, as well — leading … Continue reading →
Sold! Auctions popular with cities looking to buy and sell fleet vehicles
Auctions can be a viable means for cash-strapped municipal governments to buy and sell used equipment. On the selling side, an auction is a good way to turn idle, surplus assets into revenue. And the purchasing side bears its own … Continue reading →
Hiawatha, Iowa
Not every town has its greeting conveniently baked into its name. But the founders of Hiawatha, Iowa, population 7,212, took advantage of the city’s first syllable and crafted it into the city seal. “Hi” hallmarks the spirit of the friendly … Continue reading →
Got gas? Managing fuel in emergencies
When disaster strikes your city, one thing that could compound the problem is not having enough fuel for emergency responders and public works vehicles. Police, fire and emergency medical personnel have to get to victims quickly and roads need to … Continue reading →
Salt and Pepper Shaker Museum Gatlinburg, Tenn.
Nestled serenely among the picturesque Smoky Mountains lies Gatlinburg, Tenn., its 4,200 residents and the largest collection of salt and pepper shakers in the world. The collection started about three decades ago with a single pepper mill. “We did not … Continue reading →
Push to green municipal fleets
In the push to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and also save money, alternative fuel vehicles are hitting the roadways in greater numbers, with states and cities playing a sizable role in this growth — in part due to the implementation … Continue reading →
How the evolution of mobility will impact municipal fleets
The mobılıty evolution wıll not be as visibly dramatic for municipal fleets as it will be for corporate fleets and personal use, but it will be profound in several less immediately apparent ways. Advances in ride-sharing platforms and autonomous driving … Continue reading →
Cities giving fleets a zap with addition of electric vehicles
In a world that’s always looking for better, faster and smarter solutions, another must-have has been added to the checklist: environmentally conscientious. From encouragement to recycle or compost food waste to porch lights on timers, awareness of water waste and … Continue reading →
Redefining the truck body industry
An iconic American-born company has been making a lot of new moves in the truck body business these days, and municipal fleet managers are really starting to take notice. M.H. EBY, a third-generation, family-owned builder of aluminum truck bodies and trailers in Lancaster County, Pa., has been known for high-quality and high-durability products for the commercial and agricultural markets since 1938.
Continue reading →Telematics: Influencing “smart cities” and solving challenges for municipalities
Telematics is playing an important role in the expansion of smart cities while also shaping city fleets and addressing the challenges faced by them. The vehicle and driver data being collected through telematics is being used to improve fuel efficiency, resource allocation and route optimization. Learn more about the impacts of telematics on city fleet operations
Continue reading →Parks collaborate for the benefit of the community
While the economy is better than a few years ago, many municipalities still struggle with tight budgets for a variety of reasons. Often when looking at where to make cuts, parks and recreation can become victim. That was the case … Continue reading →
Lessons learned from Las Vegas and other tragedies
2017 was a year full of turmoil in the United States as several cities experienced mass shootings and other violent attacks. These tragedies occurred all over the country — from New York to Las Vegas. The year’s deadliest event occurred … Continue reading →
Boynton Beach combines sustainability practices and upgrades to win the Envision Bronze award
The Boynton Beach City Commission approved a partnership on March 2, 2015, allowing CDM Smith to begin the East Plant Ion Exchange and Upgrades Project. This partnership on the upgrades project led to the Envision Bronze award from the Institute … Continue reading →
Workforce redevelopment techniques for a myriad of generations — Part 2
It seems like a daunting task to implement change in the workforce, but when broken down, even the smallest gestures can begin altering it. With a wide set of skills and generations employed, leaders are left wondering if the way … Continue reading →
Extreme bridge makeover: Dayton completes the Harshman County Bridge project
Any bridge that has put in 60 years of service and accommodates about 20,000 vehicles on a daily basis is going to need some routine maintenance every now and again. However, when officials in Montgomery County, Ohio, examined the Harshman … Continue reading →
Programs seek to give second chances
Across the U.S., more than 1,800 off enders are released from prison every day. Oft en these individuals have been incarcerated for a number of years and are released only with the clothes on their backs, any belongings they’ve been … Continue reading →