What’s eating away at your vehicle
De-icing chemicals: A growing threat Motor vehicles face a constant battle against the elements, with one of the most insidious threats being corrosion. In colder climates where snow and ice are prevalent, it’s not uncommon to see traditional road salt … More from our cover sponsor →
Helping themselves: Police officers put stress relief techniques and coping mechanisms into practice
By DR. DANNY L. MCGUIRE JR. | Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice at National Louis University, Chicago, Ill. In today’s society, with ever-changing technological advancements and social media, law enforcement professionals must be aware of their surroundings and, more importantly, … Continue reading →
Creating a successful dog park
One of the fun activities of working in a city’s parks and recreation department is planning, creating and maintaining a successful playground for its citizens’ furry four-legged family members. Pet parks are growing in popularity all over the nation as … Continue reading →
Parsley carries many skills from her firefighting and skeleton racing days
Just over a month ago, the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea, came to a close. In the United States, these games will be remembered for how Norway, a small European country, dominated, while American athletes and teams struggled. … Continue reading →
Adapting to the era of alternative fuels
As technology rapidly evolves, firefighters are among those who have to stay on top of the ever-changing landscape, and in this day and age, that means becoming very educated on the ins and outs of electric vehicles. As of November … Continue reading →
Forsyth, Ga.
Given the variegated productivity of Forsyth, Ga., it is hardly a wonder the municipality of 3,788 has one of the busiest city seals in the nation. The seal contains a crowded collage of images, including railway cars, a church, factory, … Continue reading →
Bolstering community safety with gunshot detection systems
Nearly eight out of 10 times a gun is fired, the incident is not reported and, therefore, police don’t respond. The implication of this lack of reporting and response is that gun violence becomes more prevalent, residents who reside in … Continue reading →
In crisis: Melding police, fire and procurement
According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which tracks billion-dollar disasters, “2017 was the costliest year on record for natural disasters in the United States, with a price tag of at least $306 billion.” Whether its natural disasters such … Continue reading →
Murals Virginia, Minn.
Some of the notable denizens of Virginia, Minn., are larger than life. Literally larger than life. They are emblazoned up to 20 feet tall on the city’s colorful and impressive murals, concentrated within a five-by-five block area downtown. The eight … Continue reading →
Virtual reality becomes more of a reality for firefighters
Wearing head-mounted displays like those seen in virtual reality video games, today’s firefighters are not playing; they’re training. Virtual reality 3-D simulators, augmented reality simulators and other digitally enhanced training tools are being developed, and new technology is making these … Continue reading →
When the world goes awry
Public safety has been pushed to the forefront of the public consciousness recently with shootings and natural disasters seemingly becoming constants. Cities and their various departments across the country are undoubtedly entering into self-reflection and inevitably asking themselves one question: … Continue reading →
While the day-to-day responsibilities of a fleet manager may not be glamorous, their contributions can be incredibly valuable.
While the day-to-day responsibilities of a fleet manager may not be glamorous, their contributions can be incredibly valuable. Take Kathy R. Wellik, CAFM, director of transportation services with Iowa State University and a board member for NAFA Fleet Management Association. … Continue reading →
Cooperative contract brings Christmas in June to Staples Fire Department
by CHELSEA ORNELAS | NJPA Staff | www.njpacoop.org It’s mid-June 2017, and the Staples Fire Station in Minnesota is awash with excitement. “This is like Christmas,” said Donald Brusewitz, volunteer firefighter. Christmas? In June? Firefighters and their families, the mayor … Continue reading →
Concerned about ‘#MeToo’ policy compliance? An Illinois county streamlined sign-offs with an e-solution
City of Norton, Ohio, firefighters designed a form in their Aladtec database that allows them to send changes like owner contact information or building changes right from the field, saving time and process steps. Tracking schedules, swapping shifts and supervisor-staff communication is made easy with the Aladtec workforce management system. Some customers say they pay for the annual subscription in just weeks with time saved by using scheduling function alone. Visit www.aladtec.com to learn more.
Continue reading →Bike-sharing services keep bicycles rolling despite vandals
Cycling to work is the ultimate return to childhood’s happy days. And it saves on gas and vehicle wear and tear while promoting fresh air and the carefree exhilaration you enjoyed back in the day when your bike could take … Continue reading →
Keeping first responders engaged and in the department
The recruitment and retention of qualified firefighters and police officers are essential to maintaining a safe and prosperous community. Unfortunately, it’s becoming more and more difficult to attract and keep qualified employees in both occupations. This stems from several challenges, … Continue reading →
Cities use creative and no-brainer solutions to improve pedestrian safety
According to a report released from the Governors Highway Safety Association, the number of pedestrians killed in traffic in 2016 was nearly 6,000. That’s the highest number in more than two decades. While some of this can be attributed to … Continue reading →
Cities remain active in discouraging pests and maintaining pest control
Pests, such as rodents and geese, have become problems in urban areas that municipalities have been grappling with for years. While pest control tends to fall under the parks department purview, other city agencies are also responsible for pests in … Continue reading →
Municipal airports can bring soaring economic benefits
Municipal airports are often an integral part of smaller communities throughout the United States. While many of them simply contain grass runways or a single hangar, they still provide an invaluable service. Take Mount Pleasant Municipal Airport in Isabella County, … Continue reading →