What’s eating away at your vehicle
De-icing chemicals: A growing threat Motor vehicles face a constant battle against the elements, with one of the most insidious threats being corrosion. In colder climates where snow and ice are prevalent, it’s not uncommon to see traditional road salt … More from our cover sponsor →
Waste not, want not when it comes to road care
As cities across the East Coast saw record-setting snowfall last winter, salt mines struggled to keep up with the demand for rock salt to clear roadways. The tried-and-true product not only melts the snow, but deices roads and provides a … Continue reading →
Everything that we do must be fun: The mantra that even fits new park benches
In her position in the housing department of her local government, Kamla Lewis didn’t expect to work on a community-changing park project, but that was exactly what Shaker Heights, Ohio, needed. A neighborhood dated more than 10 years was collapsing … Continue reading →
First responders strive to increase awareness of autism
As situations arise where first responders are necessary, it’s important for them to understand how to approach individuals diagnosed with autism. Individuals with autism are unique and cannot be learned about strictly from textbooks. Every person with autism is different … Continue reading →
Encouraging economic development: Improve marketing and communications
by TROY KIDDER | TROY … Pure Blue Creative LLC One definition of a municipality is “a center for the exchanging of goods and services.” In other words, it’s people and money. Chances are you’re already doing a great job … Continue reading →
Not as wild west as you might be picturing
Even though the small town of Kennesaw, Ga., is a suburb of Atlanta, it’s been seen as a modern version of the wild west, except there are no tumbleweeds rolling down Main Street. What Kennesaw has in common with the … Continue reading →
The greatest public works project?
In 1919, Lt. Col. Dwight D. Eisenhower was part of the Transcontinental Motor Convoy, where 80 military vehicles drove from Washington, D.C., to California to test the usability of the United States road system. This was far from the straightforward … Continue reading →
P3s encourage innovation, new outlooks
Most cities cultivate partnerships with the private sector in one shape or another, whether they are seeking private sector bids for a construction or repaving project or outsourcing IT services. Sandy Springs, Ga., meanwhile, is taking public-private partnership to a … Continue reading →
Appleton, Wis., updates parking strategy with high-tech SUV
They say necessity is the mother of invention. While the city of Appleton, Wis., did not invent the innovative parking enforcement solution it recently adopted, it’s an example to other municipalities of how the right technology can boost productivity. Last … Continue reading →
Barton City’s magnificent night sky on the Fourth of July
Did you hear that police arrested two kids yesterday? One was drinking battery acid and the other was eating fireworks. They charged one and let the other one off… Bad fireworks jokes aside, we have a great summer story for … Continue reading →
Williamsville, N.Y., provides better stormwater management by going green
“The project took what was a sea of asphalt and turned it into a place where people want to be, where it is safe to walk and where stormwater is no longer collecting from Main Street, down East Spring Street … Continue reading →
Murrysville, Pa.
Murrysville, Pa., is known for two record-breaking occurrences, both of which are represented on its city seal. The first arose quite by accident. In the 1870s local resident Josh Cooper was boiling maple syrup in the woods of Murrysville, a … Continue reading →
Elk Grove Village embarks on full docket of community improvements
Elk Grove Village, Ill., might be a small community, but its members have big love for their hometown and even bigger plans for the future. In the last decade, more than $100 million in infrastructure and facility improvements have been … Continue reading →
Mystery Hole Ansted, W.Va.
Is the Mystery Hole just outside of Anstead, W.Va., a unique location where the laws of gravity have somehow gone haywire? Or is it merely a cleverly constructed subterranean attraction designed to make visitors think so? The real answer is … Continue reading →
A wide range of workers can be an asset to your public works department
They say that birds of a feather flock together, but if there are no creatures who share your call or plumage, it can be difficult to find your place in the nest — even if you represent a significant portion … Continue reading →
UTX Scissor Lifts satisfy a variety of uses with ease
Scissor lift s can be exceptionally handy when completing a variety of tasks from building maintenance projects to trimming trees and hanging up summertime banners announcing the latest events. While helpful, such lift s can also be cumbersome, hard to store or just not in the budget. But what if you could mount a scissor-lift onto the back of the utility vehicle you already have?
Continue reading →Safety, low maintenance draws buyers to the Stumpex
Fecon’s Stumpex removes stumps faster and more safely than traditional rotary stump grinders, and it can be mounted to a variety of equipment from traditional skid-steer loaders to hydraulic track and wheel excavators thanks to the new Stumpex EXC 20-ton model.
Continue reading →Engineering results: Roswell’s Danelle Murray is honored for her work
Danelle Murray, P.E., does not fit the typical stereotype of someone in the engineering field. She does not wear a pocket protector. She is not an introvert, and she does not speak in mathematical equations. In fact, she is a … Continue reading →
Resurfacing fleet engines can save money
When it comes to municipal fleets, resurface could be the fourth “R” in the “reduce, reuse, recycle” mantra. Engine resurfacing can be done on any type of engine and can save cities and towns thousands of dollars versus the cost … Continue reading →