What’s eating away at your vehicle
De-icing chemicals: A growing threat Motor vehicles face a constant battle against the elements, with one of the most insidious threats being corrosion. In colder climates where snow and ice are prevalent, it’s not uncommon to see traditional road salt … More from our cover sponsor →
Purdue University creates unique pothole detection system
Any municipality that experiences harsh winters has at least one common enemy — potholes. Purdue University is working with West Lafayette to help identify this problem. “Potholes are a very significant issue in many municipalities, particularly in West Lafayette Ind., … Continue reading →
Ark Encounter Williamstown, Ky.
Atop one of the scenic rolling hills of Williamstown, Ky., population 3,931, rests a boat — a really big boat. Hailed as the world’s largest timber-frame building, the life-size replica of Noah’s ark towers seven stories above the ground and … Continue reading →
Vision meeting the science to back it up
Oftentimes, I am reminded of one of Arthur C. Clarke’s three laws: “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” This is especially true, at least, for the general populace who might not have the most cutting-edge understanding of technology … Continue reading →
Keeping on track with technology
Trying to keep up with technology these days can be a full-time job for anyone, and municipalities, in particular, have so many factors to consider, including the different technology needs for various city operations, how often that technology needs updated … Continue reading →
Technology streamlines realtime, two-way communication
As technology continues to evolve, Magellan and MiTAC Digital Corp. President Pierre Parent spoke with The Municipal on the subject of standouts and how these technologies are making the lives of fleet managers and administrators easier while also encouraging fiscal … Continue reading →
The preserve-play relationship with nature: Creating community opportunities in nature
Land management ıs one of those terms that causes a bit of head-scratching from the general public, especially when the land being managed is considered “natural habitat.” Managing natural lands should be simple and straightforward — leave it alone, limit … Continue reading →
On field or off — Anuvia Plant Nutrients meets sustainability challenges
Anuvia Plant Nutrients is the catalyst that helps groundskeepers implement sustainable practices while, at the same time, improving and beautifying greenspaces. Our technology serves the unique operations of turf and lawn care management, enabling professionals to use a U.S. Department … Continue reading →
Hood River reaches out to Latino residents
What does Hispanic outreach look like? If you ask Hood River, Ore., Mayor Paul Blackburn, it’s a very active, engaged and dynamic activity. Blackburn has seemed to crack the code when it comes to reaching this group in an effective … Continue reading →
Sustainable playing fields for cities and towns
As open space continues to be developed and metropolitan areas creep ever outward from big cities, there is a lot of talk about “smart growth.” Land management is a key component of this “smart growth” process; planning where development should … Continue reading →
Making salmon migration simpler
Life is about to get a lot easier for migrating salmon in Whatcom County, Wash., thanks to the U.S. Supreme Court’s tied ruling last June, which means that a 2013 lower court ruling that favors the Northwest tribes in a … Continue reading →
Parks departments summon ‘macabre’ events to lure visitors
Things that go bump in the night fascinate and frighten a wide demographic, resulting in several parks and recreation departments crafting events that revolve around the paranormal. Some don’t even have to try, thanks to local folklore and historic landmarks. … Continue reading →
Niles and MWRD recognized for flood relief project
The village of Niles, Ill., and the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago earned the Public Works Project of the Year award through the American Public Works Association Chicago Metro Chapter for their partnership on the Cleveland Corridor sewer … Continue reading →
Cities tapping in to benefits of outdoor gyms
Taking steps toward physical fitness can happen anywhere, and cities across the nation are capitalizing on that notion. Gone are the days of having to get an expensive gym membership or learn to use confusing equipment — residents are able … Continue reading →
Ballistic protection growing in leaps and bounds
The world has never been a safe place, but nowadays, threats are emerging in places that decades ago would have been unthought of: schools, movie theaters, clubs, boardwalks, malls and anywhere people gather. Law enforcement officers have also found themselves … Continue reading →
Lee County handles fishy situation
This summer, tons and tons of dead fi sh and other species of sea life piled up on a portion of Florida’s west coast. This included a 400-pound goliath grouper the size of a small motor vehicle, small bait fish … Continue reading →
Stacie Anaya harbors passion for public places
Stacie Anaya may have little in common with actress Amy Poehler, but as the director of parks and recreation for Lewisville, Texas, she does feel a certain kinship to the comedienne’s former role. “In some ways, you could say that … Continue reading →
Services and programming keeps Bloomington parks well loved
On occasion when one encounters greatness, one can only stand back and marvel at what all it took to achieve the pinnacle, flag in hand. Such an epitome of excellence has quietly been going on for years in the Bloomington, … Continue reading →
Winooski, Vt.
The city seal of Winooski, Vt., celebrates its namesake: onions. The once-abundant edible grew along the river running along the southern border of the city, whose name derives as far back as A.D. 750 from the Abenaki Indian word “winoskitegw,” … Continue reading →