What’s eating away at your vehicle
De-icing chemicals: A growing threat Motor vehicles face a constant battle against the elements, with one of the most insidious threats being corrosion. In colder climates where snow and ice are prevalent, it’s not uncommon to see traditional road salt … More from our cover sponsor →
You know what’s best for your community. We can help.
32 Gallons of Love When your residents say they ”love” their garbage cans, you know you’re doing something right. City leaders in Little Falls Minn. are still hearing positive comments after purchasing more than 3,000 new trash cans in 2018. … Continue reading →
Plug-in hybrid trucks helping fleets take charge of their sustainability goals
As more cities across North America continue to put forth ambitious carbon reduction goals, municipal fleet managers are increasingly being tasked with making the changes needed to turn those lofty sustainability targets into reality. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency now … Continue reading →
The horrific high of heroin
Mark Ashby | Guest columnist | Executive director, LEAD Impairment Training Heroin, or diacetylmorphine, has been around for a long time. It was first discovered by C.R. Alder Wright in 1874 by working with the chemical structure of morphine.1 As … Continue reading →
Conway’s riverwalk celebrates community’s rich history
Meandering along the banks of the Waccamaw, inviting tourists and residents to slow down and take in the city and its rich history, is the Conway, S.C., river boardwalk. Originally established as the village of Kingston in 1732, Conway was … Continue reading →
Municipal fleets show variety
Pity Scotland’s Loch Ness Monster; it now has competition in Brooklyn, N.Y.’s, Prospect Park Lake for interesting “aquatic specimen.” Its new opponent is arguably the same size albeit it’s bright orange. Meet Lake “Mess” Monster — though it has been … Continue reading →
More women step into leadership roles within city government
2018 was coined the “Year of the Women” due to the record number of high-profile midterm races that resulted in the election of a wave of female candidates. The path to city hall was no exception, with more women taking … Continue reading →
South Davis Sewer District captures energy from food waste
Landfills across the United States are growing larger and larger thanks to the reported 4.4 pounds of trash the average American throws away per day — much of it coming from food. In the United States, food waste is the … Continue reading →
Beyond run, hide, fight: The next steps in preparedness
By Tom Polera, Emergency Manager and Chief Fire Marshal, Falls Church, Va. The city of Falls Church, Va., Office of Fire Prevention and Emergency Preparedness, has developed a program called “The First 12 Minutes.” This is an innovative community active … Continue reading →
Helping streets make the grade
Ask any city mayor and they’ll tell you that the most diabolical enemy of their citizens is a pothole. While a small portion of a mayor’s job, road upkeep impacts how constituents perceive their quality of life — the fewer … Continue reading →
Battle of the Badges fights the good fight
There are the customary ways to make money — car washes, mowing lawns, babysitting, bake sales, et al. — and then there are the fun ways of bringing the whole community together and raising funds for a worthy cause — … Continue reading →
Where’s the fire? Meet Wilton, N.H., Fire Chief Jim Cutler
Jim Cutler does not like to let grass grow under his feet. Even though he had a full-time managerial position at Amherst Label in Milford, N.H., as well as a wife and daughter to support, he longed to fill his … Continue reading →
Out of the box thinking for police recruitment
There’s a favorite saying that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Municipal police departments across the nation thankfully don’t fall into that category as they’ve been coming up with … Continue reading →
Boydton, Va.
Boydton, Va., waited almost two centuries to get a city seal. It came as a pen and ink sketch by octogenarian Ruth Crowder, a dedicated town denizen who had earlier drawn up the seal for Mecklenburg County, for which the … Continue reading →
Putting the boot on the other foot
Fire departments are taking matters into their own hands by inviting city leaders and officials to experience a taste of what they go through in their line of work. In demonstrating their duties, firefighters have the opportunity to expose leaders … Continue reading →
Cliff Dwellings Manitou Springs, Colo.
Dismantling an entire village piece by piece and relocating it more than 300 miles away is no easy task — especially by oxcart, railroad and horse and wagon. Yet Virginia McClurg, a local resident of the Manitou Springs, Colo., area, … Continue reading →
California wildfires bring new fire behavior and fire safety issues to light
The United States Forest Service’s Fire Sciences Laboratory in Missoula, Mont., has been providing the forest service with research and development since 1960. As the only federal research lab focused on wildfires, its research directly aids in the management of … Continue reading →
Finding the public safety personnel of the future
Not everyone can rush into a burning building or confront armed robbers. It takes a special sort of person to enter the public safety arena. Finding those people is proving to be a challenge for departments of all different sizes … Continue reading →
Alabama county workers clear roads more quickly with cooperative purchasing
Equipment operators in a rural Alabama county are using a new wheeled excavator to turn difficult road work into a cakewalk, and residents are actually thanking them with sweet treats. Looking at a map, you can find Covington County, Ala., … Continue reading →