What’s eating away at your vehicle
De-icing chemicals: A growing threat Motor vehicles face a constant battle against the elements, with one of the most insidious threats being corrosion. In colder climates where snow and ice are prevalent, it’s not uncommon to see traditional road salt … More from our cover sponsor →
Tracy McKee is the chief innovation officer for Charleston, South Carolina
When it comes to her professional life, Tracy McKee said there is one question she is asked more than any other: What exactly is a chief innovation officer? “I get that all the time,” she said in a recent … Continue reading →
Cities getting smart with traffic signals and streetlights
Grand Rapids in process Grand Rapids, Mich., is in the process of switching to smart streetlights with a two-phase $20 million bond project. The first phase was an $8.8 million bond that will take care of infrastructure. Bruce … Continue reading →
Poverty Point Pioneer, Louisiana
The place is a mystery, a classroom, a cultural museum and an ancient encyclopedia written more than three millennia ago that is slowly unfolding its pages to the painstaking efforts of archaeologists. Poverty Point State Historical Site, a U.S. National … Continue reading →
The roads of tomorrow
The roads of tomorrow will not be like the roads of today. Sure, they might continue to share the same materials — or maybe not, I’m still crossing my fingers for solar panel roads that don’t ice over — but … Continue reading →
Blackburn Mfg. Co. – The original and still the best
Blackburn Mfg. Co. was started in 1953 by E.A. “Bud” Blackburn in the basement of a small family homestead near Royal, Neb. Bud’s uncle, Ray Blackburn, who was a surveyor, asked him if he could attach a piece of cloth … Continue reading →
Rose District sparks rejuvenation in downtown Broken Arrow
Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, was a city with a plan, and with good timing and funding, its goals have been realized with the Rose District, a streetscape project that has reshaped its downtown. “The Rose District streetscape is a direct … Continue reading →
Monroe, Michigan returns to the river
Return of wildlife Cochran said with the return of health to the river itself, wildlife is making a comeback to the region. This includes fish such as pike, large- and smallmouth bass, muskie and bluegill as well as bald … Continue reading →
Fight or bite: Cities combat mosquito swarms after storms
Although they are not included in the 10 plagues of Egypt, post-storm mosquito infestations can pose problems of biblical proportions for communities that must combat them. While climate change has brought about an increased frequency of adverse weather events, which … Continue reading →
Seattle Response Team keeps traffic flowing by clearing incidents
In order to help with the flow of traffic and limit delays following an accident or incident, Seattle, Washington, publicly launched a response team in October 2018 designed to improve the handling of these issues. Following an incident on … Continue reading →
Weather sensors streamline Niles, Illinois, winter operations
Old Man Winter can be unpredictable, but that doesn’t mean municipalities have to concede to uncertainty. Instead, a few cities and towns have taken matters into their own hands to identify and respond to bad weather conditions before roads become … Continue reading →
Spearfish, South Dakota: A base camp for adventure in the Black Hills
Nestled into the Black Hills, Spearfish, South Dakota, is a top destination for adventure lovers. Despite being a town of under 12,000 people, attractions in the area estimate that 160,000 people visit the town between May and September each year. … Continue reading →
Mayors on the Mississippi join together
“Purple” Association The mayors in the association are Democrats, Republicans and Independents and they work on a bipartisan basis. Wellenkamp said they were “fiercely bipartisan.” He added, “We try to see both sides and have something for both … Continue reading →
City seals: Lewes, Delaware
There is no mistaking the European heritage of Lewes, Delaware, in its city seal. The seal prominently features a heraldic lion in rampant posture, an image common to several Dutch and English provincial and municipal flags. The city, now … Continue reading →
Proactive exercises ease winter operations for Lubbock
Taking the time to prepare for winter during ideal weather conditions maximizes success when the real weather threats strike. On Oct. 16, 2019, various agencies and departments across the city of Lubbock, Texas, came together to participate in an annual … Continue reading →
Last Blockbuster Bend, Oregon
A well-known lateral thinking puzzle posits a wealthy book collector who purchases a rare edition for a quite princely sum. To maximize his investment, he takes the book home and immediately throws it in his fireplace. The question is, … Continue reading →
Rejuvenate your city this new year
January’s theme is officially about maintenance and operations; however, as articles poured in, a secondary theme became evident: rejuvenation. Quite fitting for the new year, right? Cities require constant rejuvenation to avoid stagnation, whether that is adapting to modern … Continue reading →
GIS puts data at cities’ fingertips
The world’s urban population is expected to increase 60% in the next 30 years, and it would behoove municipal leaders to start planning for that now. Many municipalities are currently grappling with the challenge of maintaining infrastructure and an acceptable … Continue reading →
Facility planning: Designing and building safe, efficient and long lasting salt and sand storage buildings
When snow flies and ice builds up on roads, will you be ready? Response time, safety and a sufficient supply of salt and sand is critical for winter road maintenance. “The facility where salt, sand and equipment is stored … Continue reading →