What’s eating away at your vehicle
De-icing chemicals: A growing threat Motor vehicles face a constant battle against the elements, with one of the most insidious threats being corrosion. In colder climates where snow and ice are prevalent, it’s not uncommon to see traditional road salt … More from our cover sponsor →
Unique roundabout is the first of its kind in Georgia
Since the early 1990s, thousands of roundabouts have popped up across the United States, creating free-flowing traffic at intersections once plagued by frequent congestion during rush hour. Many Americans still seem to oppose the circular intersection — perhaps due to its European … Continue reading →
Coastal Resources of Maine offers waste innovations
The state of Maine is making history with the opening of the Coastal Resources of Maine recycling facility in Hampden, a city of about 7,000 on the Penobscot River. The plant is the first next-generation recycling facility in the country, … Continue reading →
M Top 10: America’s fastest-growing cities
In May, the U.S. Census released its “City and Town Population Totals: 2010-2019” report, and 24/7 Wall St. used this data to formulate which cities were growing the fasts. The site noted, “Only places with populations over 50,000 were ranked.” … Continue reading →
Brine Worth Its Salt for City of Bentonville
When thinking of areas that are known for their winter maintenance challenges, one immediately thinks of New England’s brutal Nor’easters, the unrelenting snowsqualls of Michigan’s upper peninsula and the seemingly unending winters of the upper Midwest. And, of course, Northwest … Continue reading →
Mow-to-own properties: Saving cities money and pleasing residents
Ever driven by an overgrown, weed-filled, debris-strewn vacant lot and thought, “That field’s a huge blight on our neighborhood. Wish I could afford it; I’d buy it and really fix it up.” Well, in Akron, Ohio; Memphis, Tenn.; Beatrice, Neb.; … Continue reading →
Preparing for inevitable celestial hazards
Solar storms are a real possibility, according to Eric Waage, director of Hennepin County Emergency Management. “I think that people who run utilities and plan for disasters really need to have this on their radar,” said Waage. “But I think … Continue reading →
Worldwide event gets cities counting
Cities worldwide are going wild for an annual event that encourages residents to get out and document nature. The City Nature Challenge has taken place every spring since 2016. According to organizers Alison Young, California Academy of Sciences, and Lila … Continue reading →
Municipalities prioritize digital inclusion for all ages
Part of the nature of technology is to progress; however, sometimes the pace is so fast, it leaves many people behind. With this in mind, cities nationwide have come to the realization they need to be digitally inclusive. Digital inclusion … Continue reading →
Rubicon empowers proactive municipal waste and recycling operations
By 2025, the world’s urban areas will be producing 2.2 billion tons of waste per year. By 2050, nearly 70% of the world’s residents will live in urban areas. Our waste challenge is increasingly an urban challenge, meaning that we … Continue reading →
Fleeting experience: Madison’s high school apprentice program is a hit
It’s not a typical job for a high school student, but Madison, Wis.’s, fleet service apprentice program is not a typical entry-level job opportunity. It is a chance for students to broaden their skill set while deepening and diversifying the … Continue reading →
Water under a troubled bridge: Capri Isles Bridge is replaced
After a half-century of carrying vehicles across the Curry Creek, the Capri Isles Boulevard Bridge in Venice, Fla., was in need of an extreme makeover. Although there were no signs on the surface that anything was amiss, it was another … Continue reading →
Benefits of sustainable landscapes for city parks
Carlsbad, Calif. Tim Selke, park services manager for the city of Carlsbad Parks Department, said it was about two years ago when the city really started being more deliberate in its move toward sustainability. That decision, according to Selke, was … Continue reading →
Snow fence program eases winter headaches
Picture it: blue-shadowed snow covering gently sloping mounds and painting country roads white-on-white with nearby forests covered to the hollow. It all makes for a lovely winter scene for artists, but for the Iowa Department of Transportation, the panorama turns … Continue reading →
From wastewater lagoons to soccer complex, Manchester Meadows boosts Rock Hill’s economy
Looking at the pristine soccer fields of Manchester Meadows in Rock Hill, S.C., it’s hard to believe they once were lagoons for a wastewater treatment plant. The 70-acre soccer and lacrosse facility is part of a multi-decade revitalization for the … Continue reading →
How Deltona, Florida, put itself on the map
A decade ago, Deltona, Florida, was a small city with few jobs and 250 acres of seemingly useless undeveloped land nearby. Today, that piece of land has transformed into the Portland Industrial Park, which has attracted major companies like Amazon, … Continue reading →
Crestwood Fire Department uses technology to protect firefighters, citizens
Despite a smaller population of around 11,000 residents, Crestwood, Mo., is taking great strides to make sure the local fire department stays up to date with the latest technology. Crestwood Fire Chief Lou Hecht has brought on two new technologically … Continue reading →
The Municipal Top 10: States with the most UFO sightings
Housing Halloween, October carries with it an air of mystery. People delight in the tales of the unexplained, often trading them alongside candy. If anything fits into that atmosphere, it’s unidentified flying objects. 2020 saw the Pentagon officially release UFO … Continue reading →
Robert’s Lake eco-recreation station continues to realize new learning opportunities
The city of Seaside, Calif., was awarded a Building Better Communities grant in 2017 to create the Robert’s Lake eco-recreation station complete with play equipment and an outdoor classroom. The city partnered with multiple groups and agencies to make the … Continue reading →