What’s eating away at your vehicle
De-icing chemicals: A growing threat Motor vehicles face a constant battle against the elements, with one of the most insidious threats being corrosion. In colder climates where snow and ice are prevalent, it’s not uncommon to see traditional road salt … More from our cover sponsor →
Cradle of America hosts historic Thanksgiving parade
Many people remember watching holiday parades on TV on Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. Maybe they still do. Well, there’s a parade to end all parades that some people have not heard of before. It is streamed … Continue reading →
Social media guidelines: How discernment aids local government transparency
Discernment is a decision-making tool often neglected but essential for local government (LG) officials when navigating the challenging world of information exchange with the public. Defined by Merriam-Webster as “the quality of being able to grasp and comprehend what is … Continue reading →
Top 10 Best places to enjoy turkey day
Americans relish the Thanksgiving holiday. Thanksgiving Day institutionalized the habit of giving thanks, having first taken place in a new land. In 1776, that land become the United States of America, and since then, the holiday has prompted citizens to … Continue reading →
Clear that ‘check engine’ with CAS-provided scan tools and support
Automotive systems continue to grow more complex. Passenger cars, light trucks, vans and buses — in addition to off-highway, agricultural and heavy-duty vehicles — are all computerized and controlled by multiple on-board ECUs. To properly diagnosis and get today’s vehicles … Continue reading →
Community Tool Shed is low-cost solution to code compliance violations
As an innovative way to help residents ensure they stay in the good graces of code enforcement, in 2023 the city of Cayce, S.C., began a Community Tool Shed program. The program allowed residents to borrow tools from the city … Continue reading →
Communities turn to new technologies to enhance capabilities and improve outcomes
It may require a hefty investment, a lot of research, and a leap of faith, but integrating new technologies allow municipalities to enhance their capabilities, improve safety and streamline operations for their employees as well as the residents that they … Continue reading →
Can AI be helpful for your city?
Most of us with a smartphone are using artificial intelligence every day whether or not we think we are. Are you asking Siri or Google to dial a phone number for you or give you directions? It’s AI. AI is … Continue reading →
Weedoo Boats: Trusted by municipalities worldwide for eco-friendly aquatic management equipment
Weedoo Boats is a global leader in the manufacturing of aquatic weed management equipment, trusted by federal agencies and municipalities alike. Operating in 41 states and 17 countries, Weedoo has established a proven reputation for innovation and environmental responsibility by … Continue reading →
Can you dig it? OKC’s Museum of Osteology
Make no bones about it: the Museum of Osteology in Oklahoma City, Okla., has a lot of skeletons in its closets – and on display as well. In fact, the facility is literally rattling with the remains of over 8,000 … Continue reading →
Mont Belvieu public works plans ahead for city’s growth
During his nine years working for the city, two as the public works director, Bill Thompson has seen the population of Mont Belvieu, Texas, nearly triple. It is expected to triple again in the next 10 years. An eastern suburb … Continue reading →
History of Rome comes together in downtown space
What was once a blighted urban area in Rome, N.Y., is shaping the future with art and innovation. Recalling the history of the Leatherstocking Country made famous by American writer James Fenimore Cooper, planners and residents are blending themes of … Continue reading →
Fleet service moves in-house at Sandy Springs
Sandy Springs, Ga., is a relatively young city, approaching its 20th birthday. Despite its youth, it is embarking on a project to exercise more control over its municipal fleet by bringing maintenance of that fleet in-house. To achieve proper fleet … Continue reading →
Concessions help to grow profitability for parks departments
Concession stands are a potential way for city parks departments to earn some extra profit. However, much of that is determined by the location of the concessions and what is sold. Various cities have different ways of running concessions. Some … Continue reading →
Clamping down on leakage in flat terrain, saves water and power consumption
Submitted by Echologics. Ongoing leaks can waste a lot of energy, resources and money, especially on flat terrain where municipal pumping is required to keep the system pressurized and where water is purchased from a local municipal purveyor at retail … Continue reading →
City utility programs aid those in need
Inflation numbers impact everything Americans pay for, from groceries to luxuries and even utility services. While bills for things such as water and sewer might not cost as much as other necessities, every dollar saved can make a difference for … Continue reading →
Faulcon finds her element setting youth up for success
Ashley Faulcon’s journey to becoming a program coordinator for East Brunswick, N.J.’s, recreation and parks department wasn’t a straight shot. However, her passion for volunteerism and working with youth has led to a fulfilling career and the opportunity to make … Continue reading →
Osceola, Ark., updates court deck in historic Florida Park
When Mayor Joe Harris Jr. was elected in 2021, he promised that Osceola, Ark., would become an ideal place to live, work and play. As part of that pledge, the historic Florida Park has been given a whole lot of … Continue reading →
Bridge Builder Program in Albany, Ga., spans gap between community and youth
The city of Albany, Ga.’s, Recreation and Parks Department’s Recreation Director Steven Belk, founder of the Bridge Builder Program, credits the community for the success of the program, which recently completed its second summer. “The star is this community of … Continue reading →