What’s eating away at your vehicle
De-icing chemicals: A growing threat Motor vehicles face a constant battle against the elements, with one of the most insidious threats being corrosion. In colder climates where snow and ice are prevalent, it’s not uncommon to see traditional road salt … More from our cover sponsor →
Community engagement is a top priority in Rancho Cucamonga
Rancho Cucamonga, Calif., knows that, in order to build a healthy community, the focus needs to be, first and foremost, on the individuals who comprise it. Rancho Cucamonga was named a 2020 All-America City. That year’s theme focused on health … Continue reading →
How a new system in Dickinson, N.D., gives residents real-time flood alerts
Most people underestimate the height of standing water in roadways and the speed at which water can rise in sudden storms. Unfortunately, that water can do real damage to vehicles — or to the drivers and passengers themselves. We’ve all … Continue reading →
Protecting your water utility from cyber threats
Oldsmar, Fla., averted a potential catastrophe in February when someone breached the computer system at the Bruce T. Haddock Water Treatment Plant and changed the levels of sodium hydroxide from 100 parts per minute to 11,100 ppm. An operator monitoring … Continue reading →
The Municipal Top 10: Top 10 cities for cheese in America
In honor of National Cheese Day, which is June 4 this year, we are sharing LawnStarter’s listing of the “Best Cities for Cheese Lovers.” Who doesn’t love cheese? The website notes, “In 2019, the average American ate over 40 pounds … Continue reading →
Healdsburg creates the nation’s largest floating solar array
The city of Healdsburg, Calif.’s, new floating solar array didn’t start out to be a triple threat of environmental responsibility, but since its completion in January, it’s been generating quite a bit of buzz. Not only does the 4.78-megawatt photovoltaic … Continue reading →
Building bright futures in public works
Finding qualified employees for any job can be difficult, and public works is no exception. With this in mind, Grand Rapids Community College in Grand Rapids, Mich., has teamed up with municipalities and other entities in the surrounding area … Continue reading →
What to do when you find man-made toxic chemicals in your water system
Recent developments in groundwater testing and regulation have made it easier to ensure safe public drinking water for all. If harmful contaminants have been detected in your water source, it’s crucial to take action to comply with the law and … Continue reading →
AIMS Power offers tools to develop resiliency
Resiliency has become a buzzword nationwide amongst city officials as they move to ensure their municipalities can weather unexpected storms, literal and metaphorical. Unexpected power outages, in particular, can cause extensive disruptions to vital services and emergency responses. For this … Continue reading →
From the highest levels, Anacortes prioritizes alternative energy
From Mayor Laurie Gere and the city council to individual city departments, an emphasis on reducing Anacortes, Wash.’s, carbon footprint has been championed by all. Anacortes Public Works has strived to do its part by pursuing alternative fuel sources and … Continue reading →
Municipalities showing mercy with amnesty programs
Some municipalities are finding that showing a little mercy to their residents via amnesty programs is paying off for them. Cities like Reading, Pa., and Green, Ohio, enacted amnesty programs on real estate taxes, and Richmond, Va., was considering … Continue reading →
City uses splash pads to introduce children to nature
For the city of Little Rock, Ark., nature is a high priority when it comes to children’s growth. A book written by Richard Louv in 2005, called “The Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children From Nature-Deficit Disorder,” … Continue reading →
USS Lexington Museum, Corpus Christi, Texas
She was pronounced dead at least four times, but she was a fighter and became a decorated war hero when she was barely a year old. Finally retired in 1991, she now rests in well-deserved quiet repose in Corpus Christi, … Continue reading →
A ‘complex’ situation: Johnsonville, S.C., opens new municipal complex
City halls are structures that play a variety of roles in a community. In addition to serving as the headquarters for local government officials, it is the place where bills are paid, plans are laid and decisions are made. While … Continue reading →
Buffalo Grove restructures public works to spark innovation
A suburb about 30 miles north of Chicago, Buffalo Grove, Ill., is a relatively young United States village with a population of a little more than 40,000. It was incorporated in 1958. Thus, much of its infrastructure is just over … Continue reading →
Kalamazoo County’s new animal shelter better serves pets and community
During a job interview 21 years ago, then job applicant Stephen J. Lawrence was asked a typical interview question: Where did he see himself in five years? His answer: As director of Animal Services and Enforcement, overseeing an upgraded facility … Continue reading →
Bay City’s airport is key to furthering tourism-based economy
Keeping a city alive and well when the economy makes a major shift requires generous touches of both creativity and courage. So, when Bay City, Mich., began the shift from an industrial economy to a tourism-based economy, city officials … Continue reading →
ABLE Project provides tools for intervention and officer well-being
Often, when an incident escalates out of control, the human tendency is to avoid stepping in. However, inactive bystandership can have disastrous consequences, particularly in policing. With this in mind, Georgetown University, in conjunction with the New Orleans Police … Continue reading →
M Top 10: Best cities for locavores
You might be wondering what a locavore is. Well, they are people who prefer to mainly eat foods sourced from their local region, and as LawnStarter.com notes, interest in locally sourced foods has only grown during the pandemic. “But not … Continue reading →