What’s eating away at your vehicle
De-icing chemicals: A growing threat Motor vehicles face a constant battle against the elements, with one of the most insidious threats being corrosion. In colder climates where snow and ice are prevalent, it’s not uncommon to see traditional road salt … More from our cover sponsor →
Elko, Nevada, holds diverse offerings
What puts a city or town on the map in 2020? Many factors go into the equation, and it seems Elko, Nev., has cracked the code when it comes to livability. After securing the honor of “The Best Small Town … Continue reading →
The pros and cons of green streets
Shawnee, Kan. Shawnee has just begun its green streets projects with a couple of trial projects starting construction soon, aimed at spurring development on its west side. Assistant City Manager Caitlin Gard, senior development engineer Raegan Long and community development … Continue reading →
Thomas Edison National Historical Park West Orange, New Jersey
His family called him “Al.” His teachers called him “too stupid to learn anything.” But through a lifetime of stratospheric curiosity, unrelenting inventiveness and an unrivaled work ethic, Thomas Alva Edison has earned the invariable honorific uttered even now across … Continue reading →
Tucson pilots street ambassador program to promote Move Tucson initiative
Beginning last fall, a webinar highlighting the New York City street ambassador program inspired Gabriela Barillas-Longoria, livability planner for Tucson, Arizona, to think up new ways to increase community engagement. “I started thinking of how we could scale it down … Continue reading →
The Municipal Top 10: Best minor league baseball towns
While COVID-19 has waylaid many minor league baseball teams’ seasons, we still wanted to honor America’s pastime this July in addition to the towns that host teams. On September 24, 2019, SmartAsset posted the 2019 edition of its “Best Minor … Continue reading →
Kentucky disproving theory that fairness ordinances restrict economic growth
When Midway, Kentucky, began looking into adopting a fairness ordinance in 2015, many of the objectors declared that such an ordinance would harm the city’s economy. But since the passing of the ordinance, Midway has seen the exact opposite of … Continue reading →
Public works adapts in face of the pandemic
Throughout the country, municipal public works departments have found themselves doing more than just wearing masks and social distancing to keep their operations running during the COVID-19 pandemic. Whether the city has two public works employees or 200 the last … Continue reading →
Bring downtown alive with ‘Music on Main Street’
Today more cities are investing in their downtowns than ever before by completing a variety of streetscape and placemaking projects. While these updates generate a visually pleasing place to visit, cities shouldn’t discount adding background music when crafting the perfect … Continue reading →
Managers and elected officials have a responsibility to maintain adequate water/sewer rates
One of the most difficult duties of a city manager, or elected official, is the task of maintaining adequate water and sewer rates and increasing rates when necessary. Even the conversation of reviewing rates seems to create more citizen complaints … Continue reading →
Historic Dyess Colony, Dyess, Arkansas
But for one of its residents who became world famous, the Dyess Colony in Arkansas might have been relegated to the dust heap of history along with other Depression era government-planned resettlement communities. The colony, now the town of Dyess, … Continue reading →
Danville embraces solar to satisfy energy needs
While tobacco and textiles may have built Danville, Va., into a thriving metropolis in the south central part of the state, solar energy is sparking the city’s revival. Danville, located in Pittsylvania County, was founded in 1793 on the bank … Continue reading →
Lift Up Lou supports Louisville residents’ well-being during COVID-19
In early spring, COVID-19 began spreading across the United States. Suddenly, many businesses were deemed nonessential and shut down. Schools and government offices closed, and sheltering in place became the norm. People began wearing masks and maintaining a 6-foot distance … Continue reading →
Testing and tasting the best water worldwide
“Water, water everywhere nor any drop to drink” are perhaps the most quoted words from English poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s immortal “Rime of the Ancient Mariner.” This precious life-giving liquid is essential to our health and well-being — so much so that … Continue reading →
Cities implement traffic calming measures
We can thank the Germans who in the 1930s gave rise to a new word: Verkehrsberuhigung, literally translating to traffic calming. This practice protected residential areas from through traffic by means of speed bumps, narrower roads, physical design, traffic control … Continue reading →
Naples’ journey to maximize its use of reclaimed water
While water is often taken for granted by the average consumer, members of public works departments know the immense value water has to a community and there is a finite amount available in a given year. For decades, municipalities have … Continue reading →
M Top 10: The top 10 best cities for barbecue
If there’s one thing cities are proud of, it is their barbecue. Apartmentguide.com decided to examine nearly 6,300 cities with at least one barbecue restaurant. The site states, “We then calculated the percentage of barbecue establishments to the total number … Continue reading →
Tom Sanders of Moberly, Mo., named Public Works Leader of the Year
Tom Sanders said one of the things he enjoys most about being the director of public works for the city of Moberly, Mo., is the diversity his job brings. “I run across something different every day,” he said. “A large … Continue reading →
How cities are handling panhandling laws
People asking for money on the streets of cities and towns goes way back. Some reports state the term “panhandling” seemingly originated in the ’30s when people from the Oklahoma/Texas panhandle migrated to California to escape the Dust Bowl, often … Continue reading →