What’s eating away at your vehicle
De-icing chemicals: A growing threat Motor vehicles face a constant battle against the elements, with one of the most insidious threats being corrosion. In colder climates where snow and ice are prevalent, it’s not uncommon to see traditional road salt … More from our cover sponsor →
Traffic incident management improves cooperation in Maine
Drivers don’t always observe the Move Over Law, which is mandatory everywhere except for Washington, D.C. It was determined in Maine that one quarter of all traffic fatalities result from secondary crashes caused by such factors as distracted driving. Maine … Continue reading →
The Municipal Top 10: Best cities for layovers
Even on domestic jaunts, flight layovers are often inevitable. But several hours of living in limbo between where you started and where you’re going is tediously boring, and at the same time, anxiety-inducing. (Because, after all that waiting, you don’t … Continue reading →
Brazilian jiu-jitsu shows promise in reducing injury and excessive force
If your community is considering whether to join the many others across the country that have embraced Brazilian jiu-jitsu training for law enforcement officers, you won’t find much data on whether the training will reduce officer and suspect injuries and … Continue reading →
Decatur, Alabama, is a great place to live, work and visit
Located along the Tennessee River and nestled in the foothills of the Appalachian mountain range, Decatur, Alabama, is an ecologically diverse “River City” that 60,000 residents call home. Besides being only a stone’s throw from the city of Huntsville, Decatur … Continue reading →
Communities deal with increasing EMS calls
Many communities across the nation are seeing an increase in emergency medical services (EMS) calls, requiring changes to ensure residents receive this critical service. Many are moving toward municipal-run services. There are several reasons for the increasing demand, including an … Continue reading →
A banner idea: EZBannerz makes displaying banners easier and better
It’s the quintessential “There has to be a better way…” story. Working for a number of years in a typical mid-sized Midwestern city downtown area, it was impossible not to notice a series of light pole banners that appeared at … Continue reading →
SIMIFAST makes finding the right top-quality fasteners a breeze
Fasteners can be a complicated subject, especially when wading through the various styles, sizes, materials and plating. However, getting the right fastener doesn’t have to be complicated, especially with SIMIFAST. With over 40 years of continued business, SIMIFAST offers top-quality … Continue reading →
Most improved: Tulsa wins top fleet award
After its second-place finish in 2020, the city of Tulsa’s equipment management division has won the No. 1 Fleet Award from The 100 Best Fleets in the Americas for 2021. “It’s very exciting,” said Brian Franklin, administration manager for the … Continue reading →
Bringing broadband to rural communities
Improving internet access and digital literacy in rural communities is no small task. Multiple hurdles exist, not the least of which is a lack of infrastructure, as well as a lack of familiarity with the technology. These are challenges that … Continue reading →
Sacramento diverts methane through recycling organic waste
California has long been known as a leader in environmentalism, and one city is maintaining that distinction with another key move to reduce food waste. In accordance with a new statewide mandate, SB 1383, the city of Sacramento on July … Continue reading →
Challenge to stoke traffic solutions in West Lafayette
In Indiana, the Innovation Partners Institute at the Purdue Research Foundation — together with partners — is looking for new solutions to a familiar problem via the West Lafayette Smart Cities Challenge. Purdue University in West Lafayette has about 50,000 … Continue reading →
City of Longview, Texas, gives Lear Park a huge amenity boost
A regional park in Longview, Texas, Lear Park was first acquired by the city in 1998 with the assistance of donations made by William Lear. After the original development of the park in 2000, the park has since grown to … Continue reading →
Fayetteville builds new wash for growing fleet
One doesn’t often give town work vehicles a second glance, but they’d be noticed for the wrong reason if they were dirty or unkempt. Keeping the vehicles of a town’s fleet clean is one of the tasks in the background … Continue reading →
Hyattsville welcomes its first all-electric refuse truck
Make way gas guzzlers! There’s a new fleet vehicle that city governments are lining up to employ. The city of Hyattsville, Md., is one of many cities that have recently implemented electric-powered refuse trucks to combat its carbon footprint, welcoming … Continue reading →
Preparation and communication key to handling oil spill crisis in Huntington Beach
Some might think luck played into the quick response to the oil spill at Huntington Beach, Calif., in October, but despite a couple of providential circumstances, Public Information Officer Jennifer Carey said preparation and established relationships were key. The spill … Continue reading →
M Top 10: Most livable small cities in the U.S.
What is your ideal living situation? According to SmartAsset, ” Almost one in two Americans (48%, to be exact) prefer to live in a town or rural area, according to a 2020 Gallup survey – up from 39% in 2018. … Continue reading →
Clearwater adopts policy to switch municipal vehicles to alternative fuels
What do you think of when you hear discussions of sustainability? Recycling? Alternate forms of power? Going vegan? More cycling and walking and less driving? With spring approaching and another Earth Day next month, you can’t help but think of … Continue reading →
Shortages cause some fleet managers to rethink purchasing policies
The seemingly never-ending COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc in all areas — including fleet management — as shortages have made procuring new vehicles a longer and more challenging process. One of the biggest reasons for the vehicle shortage is due … Continue reading →