What’s eating away at your vehicle
De-icing chemicals: A growing threat Motor vehicles face a constant battle against the elements, with one of the most insidious threats being corrosion. In colder climates where snow and ice are prevalent, it’s not uncommon to see traditional road salt … More from our cover sponsor →
Time is running out to cut carbon: Achieve net-zero with biodiesel today
Mahanth Joishy, superintendent of fleet services for Madison, Wis., knows that the clock is ticking. The time to cut carbon from his fleet is now. In April 2021, Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway unveiled the Climate Forward agenda to guide all municipal … Continue reading →
Scott County, Minn., fleet team delivers what matters and drives down costs to taxpayers
“Delivering what matters” is not just a slogan at Scott County, Minn. It’s a citizen-focused approach to delivering services that leave you wondering, “Why can’t all government be like this?” Troy Beam, fleet and facilities manager, and his team at … Continue reading →
Hydrodemolition increases bridge longevity
Maintaining the infrastructure of any place in which people live and travel is the most important task within a community, and road construction is the most visible aspect to this crucial part of making a society run smoother. Unfortunately, when … Continue reading →
The streets of Eufaula are alive with the sound of music
Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast, it is said, and while that sounds Shakespearian, it is not. This proverb comes from the play, “The Mourning Bride,” by William Congreve, an English author of the late seventeenth and early … Continue reading →
St. Augustine seeks resiliency going forward
The beautiful city of St. Augustine, Fla., is the oldest city in the nation, filled with historic homes and other examples of treasured architecture. It is also a city that is plagued with recurrent flooding, which threatens or even destroys … Continue reading →
Harrison County’s underwater drones provide undeniable asset
Harrison County Fire Department in Mississippi is a community surrounded by water, and as Fire Chief Pat Sullivan stated, “We’ve been in the business of search and rescue forever.” Dedicated to the safety of both the community and its first … Continue reading →
Elk Grove, California, a city on the move
Elk Grove, Calif., is a city on the move. Once a sleepy suburb of Sacramento, Elk Grove has made significant strides to become a destination location since its incorporation in 2000. With multiple private and public development projects either recently … Continue reading →
Deerfield Beach calms roadway to improve pedestrian safety
The citizens are taking back the streets in one Florida city. In December 2020, the Broward Metropolitan Planning Organization established BTactical, a streets initiative focused on multimodal safety improvements throughout Broward County. Florida is known as the most dangerous state … Continue reading →
M Top 10: The most scenic highways in the U.S.
Nothing beats a scenic highway for the motorist. In 2021, Travel+Leisure writer, Sarah Rose, composed a list of the 23 best roads in the U.S. Of course, each traveler’s mileage – get it! – will vary, but photos don’t lie; … Continue reading →
Hillsboro’s ReThink9 project completed on time and on budget
Hillsboro, Va., may have fewer than 200 residents, but it is a community that knows how to get things done. After identifying a number of infrastructure concerns in the early 2000s, the town created a comprehensive plan to address — … Continue reading →
Fairfax County discovers many benefits to ultraviolet for wastewater treatment
Fairfax County’s new ultraviolet water treatment facility earned an Envision Gold award for sustainability. The award-winning Noman M. Cole Jr. Pollution Control Plant is a 67-million-gallon-per-day wastewater treatment plant in Fairfax County, Va., that replaces the old sodium hypochlorite disinfection … Continue reading →
Cedar Rapids implements Snow Buddies program
After receiving comments and suggestions from local residents in 2019, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, adopted the “Pedestrian Master Plan.” Thus the Snow Buddies program had its beginning. One need stated by residents was assistance with snow on sidewalks during the wintertime. … Continue reading →
Compact line removal and grooving innovation from MRL Equipment
MRL Equipment Company’s comprehensive Mini product line offers innovation across the entire category of road marking equipment. MRL Equipment is proud to share its newest development in Line Removal Equipment, the Mini Grinder/Groover. Designed to remove pavement markings, groove for … Continue reading →
Citizen police academies energize and engage
Although it may sound like a program to create quasi-cops, a citizen police academy gives residents a first-hand look at department operations so they can be better informed neighbors who are engaged in the community. A gateway program According … Continue reading →
Cities ramp up outdoor fitness offerings
What does a healthier community look like? Providing opportunities for people of all ages and abilities to recreate on their terms is one facet of public health. Outdoor fitness park installations, known as FitLots, strengthen people and their communities by … Continue reading →
History, quality of life come together in Great Bend
Great Bend, Kan., is a city of the second class and is the county seat of Barton County. The city received its named from its location, which is at the point where the course of the Arkansas River bends east, … Continue reading →
A Colorado municipality is leading the charge in sustainability
A global pandemic couldn’t keep the city of Arvada, Colo., from reaching its sustainability goals. In partnership with Ameresco, the municipality recently announced the energy conservation and renewable energy project. Ameresco is an independent provider of comprehensive services, energy efficiency, … Continue reading →
Illinois repairs farming thoroughfare in record time
An expansive road reconstruction project in southern Illinois was completed posthaste after funding sources dictated that the Illinois Department of Transportation would only receive the necessary monies if it completed it in less than six months. Miller City Road in … Continue reading →