What’s eating away at your vehicle
De-icing chemicals: A growing threat Motor vehicles face a constant battle against the elements, with one of the most insidious threats being corrosion. In colder climates where snow and ice are prevalent, it’s not uncommon to see traditional road salt … More from our cover sponsor →
Bellevue, Wash., launches goal of eliminating roadway injuries and fatalities
The city of Bellevue, Wash., has spent the last seven years working to make its streets safer with the Vision Zero plan. The Bellevue City Council passed a resolution providing the framework to pursue Vision Zero in December 2015. Five … Continue reading →
Costa Mesa creates parking permit program
In areas of many cities, where multi-family units and commercial businesses compete for a limited number of spaces, parking becomes a precious commodity. To combat the scarcity of parking places, the city of Costa Mesa, Calif., is revising its Residential … Continue reading →
Top 10 most educated cities in the United States
Extensive infrastructure, public services and amendable tax policies; these are advantages corporations and organizations find when they locate in developed urban areas. Many college graduates are drawn to cities to staff these businesses, which in turn concentrates the high-education demographic … Continue reading →
The importance of resolving pest bird challenges proactively
Not all birds are pests, but the ones that are, can pose serious threats/risks to your operations. So, the sooner you tackle a pest bird challenge, the easier it will be to resolve. Identifying and resolving a pest bird challenge … Continue reading →
The rise of the cyberattack and what municipalities should do to mitigate them
Phishing emails. Hacked systems. Ransomed files. These terms have become all too familiar with reports all over the world from major news outlets. And, let’s not forget the Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack in May 2021. Now, tensions are even higher, … Continue reading →
The future is now: Reliable, Zero-Emission Tractors are Here to Stay
Tractors are the workhorse of any fleet and do the heavy lifting for many operations. Over the past 100 years, tractor designs have remained relatively unchanged, with operators facing the same century-old challenges — noise and air pollution, rising fuel … Continue reading →
Keeping waterways clean with Weedoo Boats
Established in 1990, Weedoo Greenboat Inc. is a leading manufacturer of environmental workboats. The boats’ mechanical harvesting capability successfully rids invasive waterway weeds and vegetation in an eco-friendly manner. Because of the safety and efficiency of these powerful vessels, many … Continue reading →
State grant program solves rental property headaches
The 2008 financial crisis devastated communities and stressed the rental economy. Years later, a program funded by the New York State Attorney General’s office is benefitting both landlords and tenants in the City of Elmira. The Rental Rehab Grant Program … Continue reading →
Woodcrest Drive Stream Rehabilitation Project works to restore over 3,000 feet of stream within a year
Howard County, Md., has recently taken on an ambitious Woodcrest Drive Stream Rehabilitation Project that began in June 2022 and is projected to be completed in March 2023. The project involves restoring approximately 3,637 linear feet of stream along four … Continue reading →
Career-training equity program a natural fit for Savannah
In 2020, the newly elected mayor of Savannah, Ga., Van R. Johnson II, with the cooperation of the city council, fulfilled one of his campaign promises by creating eight task forces, including the Racial Equity and Leadership task force, aimed … Continue reading →
Dayton, Ohio, partners with Premier Health on paramedicine program
Each year, emergency dispatch services receive approximately 240 million 911 calls. Of these calls, 28.5 million request an ambulance or other health assistance. With the average charge for an ambulance ride costing between $1,500 and $1,600, those calls add up … Continue reading →
Pollinators bring communities together
This summer, the township of Montclair, N.J., celebrated becoming one of a few locations in the Garden State to earn designation as a Monarch City USA community. Montclair earned the honor by demonstrating it has planted milkweed and other nectar … Continue reading →
Northwest prevents outbreak of avian flu
This year, the highly pathogenic avian influenza hit the U.S. again. Some of the first confirmed cases popped up in Northwestern states, although flocks throughout the country were affected. Urban farmers with small flocks felt the effect particularly hard. Common … Continue reading →
Griffy Lake Nature Preserve improvements safely connect residents to nature
When you think of Bloomington, Ind., you wouldn’t be faulted for immediately thinking of the classic sleeper, “Breaking Away,” which was filmed there in 1979. But there’s much more to Bloomington than that film and Indiana University. Here’s something else … Continue reading →
Jimmy Smith Jr. manages Thomasville, Ga., Solid Waste Department with passion
Jimmy Smith Jr. makes you feel you’ve always known him, and all it takes is a few minutes of conversation. As the solid waste and landfill superintendent of Thomasville, Ga. — and having worked for the city since 1995 — … Continue reading →
What’s in a name: Deadwood and Sturgis, South Dakota
Two towns in South Dakota, 13 miles apart, are kindred spirits — in their origin, ruggedness and infamous debauchery. Deadwood and Sturgis are both municipal offsprings of the Black Hills Gold Rush in the 1870s, and their initial populations were … Continue reading →
M Top 10: Best cities for avid cyclists
Millions of Americans are avid cyclists. Although popularity of the leisure activity has declined among children and teenagers over the last decade, during the same time period it rose among young adults and remained steady in other adult demographics. The … Continue reading →
Levis’ parks and recreation passion helps turn blank spaces into inclusive opportunities for play
As a third generation parks professional, Cameron Levis wears his title of Bowling Green, Ky., Parks and Recreation special populations coordinator quite proudly. Serving the community through work with the parks department began in his family with his grandfather, Dr. … Continue reading →