What’s eating away at your vehicle
De-icing chemicals: A growing threat Motor vehicles face a constant battle against the elements, with one of the most insidious threats being corrosion. In colder climates where snow and ice are prevalent, it’s not uncommon to see traditional road salt … More from our cover sponsor →
Cities cultivate programming to match seniors’ desires
“Park” is a pretty broad term, and it’s more specialized than it used to be. From parks catering to four-legged friends to playgrounds specifically designed for small children, parks departments are diversifying their offerings. There’s a lot of interest in … Continue reading →
Adopt-A-Park further connects a community with its parks
Some residents visit parks in Rapid City, S.D., to do more than admire the beauty of flower gardens or get in a hike or evening stroll. They go to take care of the park. Volunteers in the city’s Adopt-A-Park program … Continue reading →
Saving lives through AED/CPR program
Imagine a place where lifesaving help is no more than a football field’s length away; where average citizens with CPR training could keep a fellow human being alive until professional medical help can arrive; where automatic external defibrillator machines, which … Continue reading →
San Antonio partnership helps business owners recuperate from double whammy
COVID-19 impacted every aspect of life and lifestyles, not to mention businesses. Despite valiant efforts, many stores, restaurants and services didn’t survive. But San Antonio, Texas, is using a new program – COVID-19/Construction Recovery Grants – to provide economic relief … Continue reading →
Acoustic Lead Screening is a Game Changer for Quickly Identifying Lead Service Pipes
Water regulators around the world are taking numerous steps to address the removal of lead from drinking water systems due to the serious health effects of this contaminant. Drinking water that contains lead can pose a health risk to everyone, … Continue reading →
Being smart with tax dollars
Spending constituent tax dollars judiciously is a chore that every elected official tackles. In recent years, the mantra of taxpayers has been to demand that their dollars are spent efficiently and wisely. According to the publication “US Bureau of the … Continue reading →
Houston highway transformed into ecologically rich landmark destination
The Kinder Land Bridge and Cyvia Melvyn Wolff Prairie is an ambitious, 100-acre project located in the heart of Memorial Park in Houston, Texas. Memorial Park is 1,464 acres but was divided into two parts in 1955 when a six-lane … Continue reading →
‘Alley Activation’ initiates comprehensive plan in Huntingburg
An Alley Activation Program began in Huntingburg, Ind., in 2020, with the aim of improving connectivity and walkability in the city’s downtown area. Rachel Steckler, director of community development in Huntingburg, said alleyway activation was first discussed during a comprehensive … Continue reading →
Joliet, Illinois, rethinks its water supply
Joliet, Ill., can no longer go with the flow. Faced with the prospect of a diminishing water supply, over the last few years, city leaders dove into the problem and found a solution that will keep its residents hydrated for … Continue reading →
There’s dedication to community composting in Decorah, Iowa
Mostly when people think about composting, it’s a pile in the backyard. It seems pretty simple. In many ways, it is. But the state of Iowa, long known for its beautiful farms, has taken that a big step further with … Continue reading →
Public-private partnership benefits Aurora’s mobile response team
The city of Aurora, Colo., is addressing mental health issues through a public-private partnership rooted in an evidence-based approach. The city’s mobile response team, launched in the fall of 2021, pairs UCHealth mental health clinicians with an EMT. However, Aurora’s … Continue reading →
Green Bay earns best city to live in title
Although it’s known to most people outside the Midwest only as the home of the Green Bay Packers NFL team, the mid-sized Wisconsin city with a small-town feel has much more to offer than pigskin. Recently voted “Best City to … Continue reading →
Odessa, Texas, uses settlement money to combat the rising opioid crisis
As an elected city council member-at-large and mayor pro tem in Odessa, Texas, Denise Swanner serves on regional boards. In September 2021, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton made a presentation to one such board stating he planned on going after … Continue reading →
Marijuana sales benefit Michigan communities
In states where the recreational use of marijuana has been legalized, communities are “flying high.” In addition to creating thousands of jobs and small businesses throughout the nation, the legalization and regulation of cannabis-related products has generated billions in tax … Continue reading →
On the road again: Mark Twain’s home is no pauper’s hovel
It’s a long way from Hannibal, Mo., and yet, it is the place where Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn were brought to life. The Mark Twain House and Museum at 351 Farmington Ave. in Hartford, Conn., is the home where … Continue reading →
Cedar Rapids, Iowa, to incorporate 20 roundabouts to improve public safety
European countries have implemented the use of roundabouts for traffic safety for several years. Now, the city of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, is following suit, having turned to roundabouts to improve public safety and traffic operations. “There are several reasons that … Continue reading →
El Paso works with local organizations to manage migrant surges
People have migrated through El Paso, Texas, the Paso del Norte, for decades to enter the United States from Mexico. Recent surges in migration spurred the city to develop a plan for managing the huge influx of people. The experience … Continue reading →
Neighborhood Challenge Grant enriches Pensacola neighborhoods
Every once in a while, a person likes to spruce up their surroundings, and so do municipalities. Pensacola, Fla., is no different in that sentiment. The city has obtained the funding and done careful planning to make it happen, and … Continue reading →