What’s eating away at your vehicle
De-icing chemicals: A growing threat Motor vehicles face a constant battle against the elements, with one of the most insidious threats being corrosion. In colder climates where snow and ice are prevalent, it’s not uncommon to see traditional road salt … More from our cover sponsor →
2012 Freightliner Chassis are sold out from the factory! Midwest Fire has a limited stock available and it’s your chance to save big money. Call us today for a quote, or email mwf@iw.net. Midwest Fire Supply Luverne, Minn. (800) 344-2059 … Continue reading →
Bright Idea Shops provides top of the line, maintenance-free outdoor signage made from recycled plastic lumber. Start reducing your annual maintenance budget by implementing Bright Idea signs into your cities, parks or public properties. The sign systems are durable enough … Continue reading →
Fast-Rock combines high-strength epoxy resins and super-tough aggregates to form an exceptionally strong and fast-setting floor patch. Fast-Rock bonds like glue to most prepared surfaces and can be used to patch holes and expansion joints common to factory floors. Mipco … Continue reading →
Now, maintaining secondary roads can be done with one easy pass — without the additional costs and expenses of operating a motor grader. This perfect road maintainer from Bonnell eliminates ruts and wash boarding by utilizing six cutting and mixing … Continue reading →
The PLM EarthPatch uses Green-Patch technology to produce environmentally-friendly high-performance cold mix asphalt, which makes it the first to be endorsed by the National Green Energy Council. PLM EarthPatch contains none of the petroleum based solves found in traditional cold … Continue reading →
At a park, as a garden ornament or as engaging, interactive urban art, this Pagoda Bells instrument rings with blended tones – focusing attention on any outdoor setting. Reminiscent of the architecture of the Orient, the vertical array provides lush … Continue reading →
Lighter, faster, stronger, more durable… Palfinger American Roll-off manufactures a complete line of single, tandem and tri-axle roll-off hoists with capacities ranging from 20,000 through 75,000 pounds for 10 to 26 feet long containers for your truck. Palfinger American Roll-off … Continue reading →
High Contrast Tear-Away Vest
RB10TT-IM triple-trim, high contrast, tear-away ANSI vests stand out in a crowd. Made by R&B Fabrications with the highest quality materials — materials you can count on. R&B Fabrications makes safety vests to perform again and again and to conform … Continue reading →
Deluxe Wall Organizer
Pit Pal’s Deluxe Wall Organizer is fully functional in any space. It offers shelf and paper towel storage and a fold-down work tray for added table space in your work area. Heavy duty aluminum fabrication, TIG welded to last a … Continue reading →
Integrated rapid incident response
IBM smart city product promises integrated, rapid incident response Rapid communication has never been unimportant to first responders. But while the ability to relay critical information quickly has improved drastically since the days of handringing a town hall bell, integrated … Continue reading →
Trends in municipal architecture
An interview with American Institute of Architects President and CEO Randall Scott Smaller public budgets, sustainable energy concerns and changing tastes in design all affect the look public buildings in the U.S. To find out how they’re changing the buildings … Continue reading →
Narrowbanding – in the homestretch
Ready or not, the Federal Communication Commission’s effort to make more efficient use of the VHF and UHF radio and television spectrum frequencies goes into effect in less than a year. Under the looming requirement, all non-federal public safety and … Continue reading →
Coal tar sealant controversy
Smoldering its way across the U.S., the question of whether municipalities and retailers should act on a ban of coal tar-based pavement sealants won’t quite go out – but hasn’t fully engulfed, either. For 60 years the midwest, southern and … Continue reading →
Scenedots is a patented product that easily allows the creation of a reflective stripe on any surface without measuring or cutting the reflective material. Scenedots will make your fire apparatus more visible and safer during an emergency response, at the … Continue reading →
Armored truck fills needs of region
It hasn’t seen battle yet, but North Dakota’s Red River Valley SWAT team is glad to have a Bearcat in its arsenal of tools. The team received a Lenco Armored Vehicles Bearcat in October 2009. The specialized armored truck is … Continue reading →
Music for – and by – the masses
It’s innately counterintuitive to leave musical instruments outside in all types of weather and then let everyone and their brother come and play with them. Still, the idea of unfettered, recreational access to instruments has crossed over from Europe and … Continue reading →
2012 Ohio Municipal League Conference
THE MUNICIPAL at the 60th annual Ohio Municipal League conference Ask the average American what challenges this country is currently facing and you’d most likely hear a few common concerns – the economy, unemployment, health care and renewable energy. These … Continue reading →