What’s eating away at your vehicle
De-icing chemicals: A growing threat Motor vehicles face a constant battle against the elements, with one of the most insidious threats being corrosion. In colder climates where snow and ice are prevalent, it’s not uncommon to see traditional road salt … More from our cover sponsor →
Organizational leadership for volunteer fire departments
Is it the physical challenges? The danger? No. The biggest frustrations volunteer firefighters encounter involve interpersonal relations. In April, Municipal Fire Protection Consultant Harry Carter polled several dozen volunteer firefighters from around the country who gathered in Indianapolis for FDIC. … Continue reading →
The world’s first propane-powered post driver
Tippmann Industrial Products Inc. manufactures the Propane Hammer, the world’s first propane powered post driver. Equipped with a side mount adapter for driving U-channel posts, the Propane Hammer is also remarkably efficient at driving T posts, silt fence, and any … Continue reading →
Surface transportation reauthorization debate continues in Congress
This past March, the National Recreation and Park Association, in coordination with the office of Congressman Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.), raised the rallying call to protect federal funding that supports many local public parks and recreation agencies nationwide. As the surface … Continue reading →
Water reuse: Treating wastewater for useful purposes
Recycled wastewater satisfies a number of demands. Many urban and agricultural areas employ nonpotable, or nondrinking, water reuse projects that meet residents’ and businesses’ demand for water. Reclaimed water use, on a volume basis, is growing at an estimated 15 … Continue reading →
July 2012 Product Spotlights
Place your company in the spotlight by advertising in The Municipal. The Municipal – Product & Equipment Magazine for America’s Municipalities: Every Issue Online Sign up to receive the magazine at your office Interactive advertiser map with links Circulation map … Continue reading →
A ‘No-Brainer’ for municipalities: Re-HEAT hot-in-place recycling
For all intents and purposes, until now, hot-in-place recycling has not played a significant role in pavement preservation throughout the country. Municipalities here and there have done a project here and there with mixed results over the past 20 years … Continue reading →
Cultural and cost-efficient: Preserving county treasures
By MARGUERITE DUFFY AND MICHELLE SOKOL The Municipal County courthouses are the foundation of a community. They provide order in the midst of development and lay down the law of the land. Their place of honor as one of the … Continue reading →
Editor’s Note: Doing a good job anyway
People like to complain. Maybe it gives us something to do. No matter what anyone does for a living, or how well they do it, someone else will feel at liberty to question why and how the job was completed. … Continue reading →
NASTT’s 2012 Introduction to Trenchless Technology Short Course Rehabilitation Session 1
NASTT’s Introduction to Trenchless Technology Short Course is modeled for industry newcomers and for those interested in a refresher course on trenchless methodologies. This 4-part training is presented in two sections: Rehabilitation – June 26 and Aug. 8 New Installation … Continue reading →
What is Zero Waste?
Zero waste is a new planning approach for the 21st century that seeks to redesign the way that resources and materials flow through society. The zero waste idea is both a back-end solution that maximizes recycling and minimizes waste, and … Continue reading →
Landfill gas: A green, renewable power source
In 1983, long before “green” energy became a buzzword and the negative effects of greenhouse gases like methane were widely acknowledged, the Monterey Regional Waste Management District had already developed one of the first landfill gas-to-electric energy plants in the … Continue reading →
June 2012 Product Spotlights
Place your company in the spotlight by advertising in The Municipal. The Municipal – Product & Equipment Magazine for America’s Municipalities: Every Issue Online Sign up to receive the magazine at your office Interactive advertiser map with links Circulation … Continue reading →
Composting: A valuable addition to environmental plans
Gone are the days when composting was regulated to rural areas. Major cities across the U.S. are becoming serious about decreasing the amount of waste in their landfills and incinerators. Some cities, like San Francisco, have gone as far as … Continue reading →
Seventh year of 9-11 Memorial Stair Climbs kicks off at FDIC
A sea of fire engines, fire rescue equipment, educational speakers and entertaining events vied for an audience at the FDIC national gathering of firefighting professionals in April. But only one received big-screen coverage. From several states and a few foreign … Continue reading →
Grow lights keep Lambeau Field ‘green’
Lawns in northern cities have to do more in a shorter growing season. That’s an unacceptable restriction for a lawn that roots for the Green Bay Packers. Lambeau Field celebrates its 55th year of Packers football in 2012. The team … Continue reading →
Small city, big impact: The leading eco-municipality of Bayfield, Wis.
Bayfield, Wis., may be tiny, but the lakeside community of 500 leads the nation in terms of eco-friendly practices and citywide sustainability efforts. “We have worked really hard to be as green as possible,” said Mayor Larry McDonald. “We believe … Continue reading →
Vocational vehicle mileage: On the fast track
Manufacturers, federal government aim high. Manufacturers of medium and large trucks have reportedly wanted the federal government to mandate increased fuel efficiency for years. In August President Obama responded, establishing the first ever federal large- and medium-truck fuel efficiency regulations. … Continue reading →
Plastic Bag Bans
“Paper or plastic?” Soon the question may become obsolete due to the growing trend of banning plastic bags in cities, states and even countries. Over 70 cities in the U.S. have banned or are planning to ban plastic bags from … Continue reading →