What’s eating away at your vehicle
De-icing chemicals: A growing threat Motor vehicles face a constant battle against the elements, with one of the most insidious threats being corrosion. In colder climates where snow and ice are prevalent, it’s not uncommon to see traditional road salt … More from our cover sponsor →
Trackless has a variety of snowplows available to keep your sidewalks clear this winter. Standard angle blades, trip plows and both a fixed wing V-plow or a five-position folding V-plow. Couple a front-mounted snowplow with a rearmount sidewalk spreader and … Continue reading →
Body armor: Past, present and future
Q & A with George C. Tillery Office Director, Office of Science and Technology National Institute of Justice Office of Justice Programs U.S. Department of Justice Kevlar has been the standard for body armor since 1970, is that correct? Is … Continue reading →
Bulletproof: The latest technology
Imagine wearing a bulletproof vest made of … silk? The organic textile is so surprisingly resistant to penetration by high-speed projectiles that the ancient Chinese, as well as the current Thai law enforcement community both use the low-tech material as … Continue reading →
Editor’s Note: Perennially muddy waters: Public employees and free speech
It’s intimidating, as a reporter, to write about subjects that your audience might already be more familiar with than you are. This month I had that feeling while researching the development of bullet-resistant body armor. That’s why, here at The … Continue reading →
Extreme reliability: Save money with your air compressor system
Vehicle fleets have been buffeted by the economic storm for the past three years. Historically, local recovery from recessions can last as long as 18-24 months following national economic recovery due to the lag in tax revenue collection associated with … Continue reading →
Payment choices mean more drivers pay for parking
Multispace parking meters are gaining popularity across the country as municipalities realize the devices’ ability to increase revenue, reduce maintenance and create more aesthetically pleasing streetscapes. Signature Control Systems, a systems integrator company headquartered in Columbus, Ohio, seeks out the … Continue reading →
Public building projects fund the arts
During the past 40 years state governments have maintained a commitment to the arts, establishing arts agencies in all 50 states and allocating funding — even during recessions — to their programs. Why? The arts are an important policy asset … Continue reading →
The answer to quick set-ups at work zones
Municipalities are always looking for ways to improve work zone safety. It has been established time and time again that setting up a work zone quickly and easilywith portable sign systems gives an added measure of protection for workers. It … Continue reading →
Safe to proceed: Roadway flooding solution
Flooding causes more deaths and property damage in the U.S. than any other severe weather-related event. A mere six inches of fast-moving water can knock over an adult. It takes only two feet of rushing water to carry away most … Continue reading →
Water line capacity testing: do it right!
What most water system operators call hydrant flow or fire flow testing is giving way to a more accurate name for the same process: Line capacity testing. “That’s because this is what you’re doing: The hydrant is like a vessel … Continue reading →
Breaking the cycle: Putting parolees to work
Statistics on recidivism, the act of repeated or habitual relapse, are frightening, with national averages hovering around 60 percent. In the U.S. in 2001, 600,000 individuals—roughly 1,600 a day—left state and federal prisons to return to their communities. In 2009, … Continue reading →
Survey: Unprecedented budget challenges continue for municipalities
In its most recent survey, the National League of Cities reported that 72 percent of the nation’s cities are cutting personnel and 60 percent are delaying or canceling infrastructure projects as the economic downturn continues to take its toll on … Continue reading →
August 2012 Product Spotlights
Place your company in the spotlight by advertising in The Municipal. The Municipal – Product & Equipment Magazine for America’s Municipalities: Every Issue Online Sign up to receive the magazine at your office Interactive advertiser map with links Circulation map … Continue reading →
The biggest convention center on the west coast
Boasting a 1.6 million square feet of exhibit, meeting and reception space, the Anaheim Convention Center reigns as the king of convention venues. From Las Vegas to the Pacific Ocean, there’s none more imposing. That’s been the case since the … Continue reading →
Major motivators to take podium at APWA 2012
In addition to the technical sessions, APWA congress attendees come to be inspired and motivated. To provide fresh energy and excitement for the job, four keynote speakers — one for each day of the conference — will present inspirational, motivational, … Continue reading →
Cities tackle challenges of competing demands for road use
In recent years, U.S. cities have begun work to make their streets safer for bicycles. The reasoning for this varies from city to city but the commonalities include safety concerns, decreasing budget sizes, the realization that they cannot endlessly add … Continue reading →
Stertil-Koni: Heavy duty lifting goes green
As numerous municipalities, trucking companies and bus lines struggle to contain costs and improve margins, an increasing number are discovering the benefits of going green — an approach that can directly benefit not only the environment, but the bottom line … Continue reading →
Trenchless Rehabilitation – Part 2
NASTT’s Introduction to Trenchless Technology Short Course is modeled for industry newcomers and for those interested in a refresher course on trenchless methodologies. This 4-part training is presented in two sections: Rehabilitation – June 26 and August 8 New Installation – … Continue reading →