What’s eating away at your vehicle
De-icing chemicals: A growing threat Motor vehicles face a constant battle against the elements, with one of the most insidious threats being corrosion. In colder climates where snow and ice are prevalent, it’s not uncommon to see traditional road salt … More from our cover sponsor →
This is the second in a series of articles on the prevention of emergency vehicle crashes. Any moving vehicle has kinetic energy, which is a function of how fast it’s traveling and how large it is. Take a 30,000-pound fire … Continue reading →
Public works’ greatest assets: the right employees
As we all know, maintaining our infrastructure is a ceaseless task. We spend more and more time developing projects that will last a lifetime, but we know they won’t. So how do make them sustainable? How do we maintain them … Continue reading →
Autistic victims
A call comes in for a fire at a group home for mentally challenged adults. The caregivers have gotten nearly everyone out safely, but one of the non-verbal adults who has Asperger’s syndrome is panicking at a second-floor window. He … Continue reading →
SIMA 16th Annual Snow and Ice Symposium
The business of snow and ice brought professionals from across northern states to Minneapolis, Minn., June 19–22 for networking and to see the newest in removal equipment and treatment processes. At the SIMA 16th Annual Snow and Ice Symposium, Matt … Continue reading →
Water reuse success
Water Conserv II, the largest reuse project of its kind in the world, began 27 years ago through a partnership between Orange County, Fla., and the city of Orlando. Both were faced with a lawsuit that required them to find … Continue reading →
A sinking feeling
It sounds like something out of a Stephen King thriller. Just before 11 p.m. Feb. 28, Jeff Bush lay sleeping in his Seffner, Fla., home when the earth opened below him and swallowed him. Rescue workers, heavy equipment and specialized … Continue reading →
Challenges, leadership and enthusiasm APWA 2013
Three noted and inspirational personalities will help municipal, county, parish, state and other government entities plan and execute the changes in public works infrastructure wrought by the new millennium. Thomas Friedman Author, New York Times columnist Setting the tone for … Continue reading →
Engineering change: APWA 2013
What better place to celebrate the spirit of modern engineering than Daniel Burnham’s “City of the Big Shoulders?” Chicago opens its doors to public works professionals from all over the world next month during the American Public Works Association annual … Continue reading →
Skidcar System Proactive Driver Training ProgramPolice
By CARRIE BANKS | Communications director, Alabama League of Municipalities Because they must often operate vehicles at high speeds and in hazardous conditions, driving skills are critical for law enforcement and emergency personnel. Alabama League of Municipalities’ Loss Control Division … Continue reading →
Autistic Victims
By BARB SIEMINSKI | The Municipal A call comes in for a fire at a group home, which houses mentally-challenged adults. The caregivers have gotten nearly everyone out safely, but one of the non-verbal adults, who has Asperger’s syndrome, is … Continue reading →
Bi-state bridge project requires substantial planning
A massive bridge project between New Albany, Ind., and Louisville, Ky., is designed to make transit between the two towns easier. The entire project has six sections, divided among the two states. Each section has its own design team and … Continue reading →
Top 10 City Park Systems
The Trust for Public Land, a national, nonprofit organization, operates ParkScore, a measurement of how well the largest park systems in the U.S. are meeting public need. ParkScore compares and explores 50 cities’ park systems, ranking them in terms of … Continue reading →
Welcome to The Municipal expanded coverage
In 2011, when The Papers Inc., a publishing company headquartered in Milford, Ind., took over ownership of a young publication aimed at municipalities, we knew we had something relevant to say to those responsible for keeping cities safe, purchasing municipal … Continue reading →
A sustainable future for small and mid-sized communities
Guest Column by William Bertera Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure Sustainability for infrastructure projects can be a hard sell for small and mid-sized communities. It can appear to add costs to a project without demonstrable benefits … other than to “do … Continue reading →
Funding municipal bands
The Burlington Municipal Band plays peppy, patriotic Souza marches for the city’s Memorial Day celebrations. “Children do somersaults on the grass. People are proud. Those who attend feel the band is a strong part of the community; communities need something … Continue reading →
Design-build alternative saves time, money
After Lake High School in Wood County, Ohio, was demolished by a tornado in June 2010, rebuilding it was a top priority. Officials sprang into action right away. The new school was constructed in half the usual time and for … Continue reading →