Bucher Municipal: Soaring high to deliver your best street sweeping solution
Bottom line, you need the best street sweeper for your street sweeping program. Whether you are a small municipality, regional airport or contractor buying your first street sweeper or if you are a large city, airport or conglomerate buying your … More from our cover sponsor →
Welcome to The Municipal expanded coverage
In 2011, when The Papers Inc., a publishing company headquartered in Milford, Ind., took over ownership of a young publication aimed at municipalities, we knew we had something relevant to say to those responsible for keeping cities safe, purchasing municipal … Continue reading →
A sustainable future for small and mid-sized communities
Guest Column by William Bertera Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure Sustainability for infrastructure projects can be a hard sell for small and mid-sized communities. It can appear to add costs to a project without demonstrable benefits … other than to “do … Continue reading →
Funding municipal bands
The Burlington Municipal Band plays peppy, patriotic Souza marches for the city’s Memorial Day celebrations. “Children do somersaults on the grass. People are proud. Those who attend feel the band is a strong part of the community; communities need something … Continue reading →
Design-build alternative saves time, money
After Lake High School in Wood County, Ohio, was demolished by a tornado in June 2010, rebuilding it was a top priority. Officials sprang into action right away. The new school was constructed in half the usual time and for … Continue reading →
From defunct railroad bridge to Purple People pedway
The Purple People Bridge that connects Northern Kentucky to Southern Ohio has become as iconic and beloved as the area’s famous Montgomery Inn ribs, Graeter’s ice cream and Skyline Chili. The color is one reason it stands out, but the … Continue reading →
Beating a path Bike infrastructure booms
Next to walking and hiking, cycling is the most popular outdoor activity in the United States. As more Americans take to their bikes and ride, municipalities are developing innovative bike paths and off-road trails and implementing bike share programs in … Continue reading →
Single-, double-fold or custom-size tanks are available from Husky. Exclusive (patent pending, published June 10, 2010) easy-lift handles are installed on all Husky liners, making Husky portable frame tanks the easiest and quickest to fold. Husky’s quality and service are … Continue reading →
ClearSpan Fabric Structures is the industry-leading manufacturer of tension fabric buildings, offering American-made structures with in-house engineering, manufacturing, financing and installation. These structures provide energy-efficient, economical solutions for a variety of municipal needs, including waste management, equipment and materials storage, … Continue reading →
Scorpion Protective Coatings offers numerous ways to protect an investment. This three-part polyurethane system is perfect for metals, woods, fiberglass or concrete. It offers abuse protection for high-impact areas, non-skid properties for slip hazards and corrosion resistance. Scorpion will extend … Continue reading →
Setting the standard in mobile power
Fabco Power introduces a new welder/generator that can weld while supplying other equipment with AC power. The Hydro Arc 7500 is hydraulically driven and has 240 amps DC, 120/240 volts AC and 7.5 kilowatts AC. It operates AC tools, air … Continue reading →
Berea, Ohio: a long-range capital projects overview
“Cities have been under so much economic strain and pressure that we had to adapt. Everything from the erosion of the tax base to the state tax decrease, it’s all dwindled down, and we have to really think about how … Continue reading →
Safe apparatus handling
You arrive at the firehouse and walk into the radio room, only to find four of your co-workers sitting in their chairs like statues, afraid to move a muscle. An engineer is teetering on a pile of phone books, trying … Continue reading →
What a relief: Coordinating assistance when disaster strikes
Whenever and wherever tragedy occurs, Americans respond. Superstorm Sandy, the Newtown shooting, the Boston Marathon bombing and tornados ripping through the heart of Oklahoma have all prompted folks to dig deep in order to help those affected by disaster. However, … Continue reading →
Build it strong, build it green and build it inexpensively.
The priorities for public building projects these days, be it a new sheriff’s department, sports complex or four-lane overpass, are impossibly conflicting. Even after you organize those priorities by weight — I’m assuming public safety would be first, followed by … Continue reading →
‘Perfect storm’ brings challenges, solutions to local governments
While the recession has been declared officially over by most economists, local governments continue to feel the impact of the 2008 global financial meltdown and housing crisis. Unlike downturns of the past, the current recovery looks much different from anything … Continue reading →