What’s eating away at your vehicle
De-icing chemicals: A growing threat Motor vehicles face a constant battle against the elements, with one of the most insidious threats being corrosion. In colder climates where snow and ice are prevalent, it’s not uncommon to see traditional road salt … More from our cover sponsor →
Embracing the season with turkey trots and runs
While Thanksgiving may be the feast-iest day of the year, it’s also the running-est day of the year, at least according to Elvi Guzman, director of the Bayonne, N.J., Division of Recreation’s Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot 5K and 1 Mile … Continue reading →
On the road again: The Leavenworth Nutcracker Museum
Arlene Wagner is a little nutty – about nutcrackers, that is. As the co-founder and curator of the Leavenworth Nutcracker Museum in Leavenworth, Wash., she shares the world’s largest collections of its kind with over 40,000 visitors annually. “We’ve … Continue reading →
College Park, Maryland, creates new homeownership opportunities
College Park, Maryland, is encouraging University of Maryland employees and city employees to purchase a home within its limits with its homeownership program. In order to qualify, university employees must be full-time and benefits-eligible, while city employees must be full-time. … Continue reading →
Flood warning system positions NCDOT ahead of storms
The North Carolina Department of Transportation has an award-winning flood warning system that gathers data from various state and federal agencies. Already able to access this data and include it in computer forecasts, now NCDOT is adding stream gauges to … Continue reading →
Belleview, Florida, welcomes new residents with promotional swag
The city of Belleview, Florida, intends to ensure all new residents know about local businesses and the services the city has to offer by handing out welcome bags. When a new Bellevue resident comes into city hall to activate city … Continue reading →
Software connects residents to resources in Seattle
An initiative developed by Google is saving the citizens of Seattle, Wash., some serious cash. Families can repurpose up to $25,000 in annual living expenses because of measures taken by their elected officials and Google to make access to services … Continue reading →
New Jersey town takes steps to protect pedestrians
Everyone wants to walk — or bike, run, rollerblade, etc. — down safer city streets. It is a great tragedy when a pedestrian loses their life to an automobile. Jersey City, New Jersey, has one of the highest rates of … Continue reading →
The Municipal Top 10: Most underrated U.S. winter destinations
The winter offers the opportunity for every destination to put on a new face. Northern locales exchange their lush greenery for powdery hills of snow, and southern spots see wildlife, as well as human residents, turn their focus to new … Continue reading →
University of Nevada tests recycled as asphalt binder
There is a new type of asphalt being researched and tested in the Pavement Engineering and Science program at the University of Nevada in Reno, Nevada. Peter Sebaaly, University of Nevada Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering professor and director … Continue reading →
Eureka Springs, source of healing for the body and spirit
Tucked in the northwest corner of Arkansas, deep in the Ozarks, Eureka Springs has long been a gem of the Midwest. Its lengthy and somewhat complex history is a testament to finding a mission and sticking to it. Eureka Springs’ … Continue reading →
Small City Allotment opens possibilities for Detroit, Oregon
Life in one small Oregon mountain town is improving partly because of a $250,000 transportation grant. “It’s just a 500-foot stretch (of road), but it goes right through the center of town,” Detroit city council member Greg Shepphard said of … Continue reading →
Exploring the status of Slow Streets programs
During the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020, several communities implemented a trial program called Slow Streets, which slowed traffic on neighborhood streets, allowing for safer neighborhood outdoor activities and social distancing. In California, San Francisco, Oakwood and Redwood City all … Continue reading →
The TrafficPrinter: Pioneering a new standard for road marking
While the application of road markings has moved ahead by leaps and bounds over the past few decades, the constant push for productivity moving the industry forward has left striping contractors, private companies and municipalities concerned about safety. MRL Equipment … Continue reading →
On the road again: Cades Cove, Great Smoky Mountains National Park
It is one of the most popular destinations in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park: A 6,800-acre valley roughly 31 miles from Pigeon Forge, Tenn. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, Cades Cove is known for its rich … Continue reading →
Midwest City builds shipping container fire training facility
Shipping containers are designed to be stacked on boats and trains. A couple of decades ago it was also noted the material and structure of the containers also made them ideal for police and fire training. Employing new or used … Continue reading →
Ocoee, Florida, brings action sports to town
The city of Ocoee, Fla., has opened a new Action Sports Park — a skate park — within Vandergrift Central Park to attract city residents. With a grand opening ceremony on June 28, the Ocoee Action Sports Park has received … Continue reading →
Pasadena EMS subscriptions ease residents’ minds
“I’ll never need an ambulance ride; why would I pay for a subscription I’ll never use?” This might be the mindset of millions of Americans, but when catastrophe strikes, ambulance service can leave a person thousands of dollars in debt. … Continue reading →
Nevada Highway 50: not only for the lonely
Dubbed the “Loneliest Road in America” by Life Magazine in 1986, Nevada Highway 50 used to not be for the faint of heart. With supposedly little to see and do across this 500-mile stretch between Carson City and Baker, drivers … Continue reading →