What’s eating away at your vehicle
De-icing chemicals: A growing threat Motor vehicles face a constant battle against the elements, with one of the most insidious threats being corrosion. In colder climates where snow and ice are prevalent, it’s not uncommon to see traditional road salt … More from our cover sponsor →
NAFA 2014: Making tracks to Minneapolis
Public and private sector fleet professionals will head to the Minneapolis Convention Center next month for the annual nafa Fleet Management Association Institute and Expo. Retaining last year’s new Tuesday through Saturday schedule, the 2014 Institute and Expo opens April … Continue reading →
‘Experience FDIC’
If you’ve never attended the largest firefighting show and exposition in the U.S., then 2014 will be a great year to take advantage of the jam-packed number of career-building education and training opportunities. If you’ve been to fdic before, though, … Continue reading →
Alarm issues: retain response, add revenue
In 2007 the Marietta, Ga., Police Department took a close look at its calls-for-service numbers. Analyses from a study done that year indicated that the jurisdiction fit right in with the national average of service calls coming from alarms: 10 … Continue reading →
New pedestrian, bike safety devices
Pedestrians who are crossing busy streets are often busy doing something else: listening to music, texting or talking on a phone. Those distracted walkers often fail to look both ways for traffic or follow other safety rules. A study conducted … Continue reading →
Tom Westergaard
Tom Westergaard has been the fleet manager for Prince William County, Va., for the past 16 years. He has also been a member of the American Public Works Association since December 2012, and uses it as a springboard to share … Continue reading →
Hickory, N.C., integrates new fleet technologies and good attitudes
New technologies and alternative fuels provide cost savings in certain scenarios, in addition to showing citizens their municipalities are environmentally minded. As fleets across the country integrate these technologies — whether they are natural gas, propane, biodiesel, or another alternative … Continue reading →
Police cycles head down Electric Avenue
Police officers across the country are getting a new, nearly silent partner: electric motorcycles. While the bike’s stealth is a factor in their growing popularity, other features also make the motorcycles an attractive choice. Officers cite the maneuverability of the … Continue reading →
Slow recovery, labor problems for fleets
Have you thanked your city’s fleet manager recently? Supervising a diverse supply of vehicles and machinery is a huge job. The American Public Works Association has a National Fleet Services Committee, which keeps up with new trends and regulations that … Continue reading →
Looking down the road
I don’t know that it’s wise to count chickens before they hatch, but hopefully 2014 will reveal a light at the end of the tunnel of financial strangulation under which most of us are operating. I’m encouraged by the fact … Continue reading →
Top energy-efficient cities
Last year the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy ranked 34 major U.S. cities on their efforts to reduce energy usage by installing electric vehicle charging stations, starting bike sharing programs, facilitating the installation of cool roofs and other similar … Continue reading →
2014 Work Truck Show is ‘all about the future’
The big trucks arrive March 5–7 at the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis, Ind., for North America’s largest work truck event: the 2014 Work Truck Show. Educational programming, including the Green Truck Summit, begins March 4. This year’s event also … Continue reading →
Popular Valentine’s Day tour returns for third year
Newtown Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Visitor Center 329 Greenpoint Ave. Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY 11222 The famed Valentine’s Day tour includes a guided walk through the landmark digester eggs with plant Superintendent James Pynn. Reservations are required, as well as appropriate … Continue reading →
Sioux City, Iowa
The fourth-largest city in Iowa, Sioux City had a population of 82,719 and an area of 54.8 square miles during the 2012 census. Money magazine named it one of the “best places to live” in the U.S. in 2010. In … Continue reading →
New pedestrian, bike safety devices
Pedestrians who are crossing busy streets are often busy doing something else: listening to music, texting or talking on a phone. Those distracted walkers often fail to look both ways for traffic or follow other safety rules. A study conducted … Continue reading →
People movers: mass transit in small communities and rural areas
Public transportation played a critical role in expanding America. Once upon a time the stagecoach helped people go from point A to point B, followed by rail lines, trolley services, bus routes, subways, “El” trains and airplanes. However, as the … Continue reading →
Window film retrofits bring savings
Particularly in the hotter months, energy control film, aka window film or solar window film, proves to be an economical solution when it comes to reducing energy costs, especially for municipalities coping with the operating expense of aging infrastructure. In … Continue reading →