What’s eating away at your vehicle
De-icing chemicals: A growing threat Motor vehicles face a constant battle against the elements, with one of the most insidious threats being corrosion. In colder climates where snow and ice are prevalent, it’s not uncommon to see traditional road salt … More from our cover sponsor →
First-time bridge reconstruction: Is your crew ready?
How do you determine when your crew is ready to do its own bridge replacement? Well, a nudge from the state helps. Cape Coral, Fla., is overrun with bridges. Two-lane, four-lane, six-lane, short span, multiple pier, concrete slab, corrugated metal … Continue reading →
Venco Venturo brings value to the municipal market
By IAN LAHMER | Marketing Coordinator, Venco Venturo Industries LLC Venco Venturo Industries LLC is a Cincinnati-based manufacturer of high-quality Venturo truck-mounted cranes, Venturo crane service bodies and Venco hoists. With a dedication to rugged designs and reliable products, as … Continue reading →
Spotlight on public works
In this public works edition of The Municipal, we have several pieces of good news to share. Foremost among them is that the APWA annual conference is nearly here again: that chance to get a handle on what’s coming down … Continue reading →
Volunteer firefighter fights battle of her own
Deanna Glinski is used to fighting fires. After all, it’s what she’s done for nearly 13 years as a volunteer firefighter with the Barnes Volunteer Fire Department, Barnes, Wis. But she never expected an assignment that would hit so close … Continue reading →
Geocaching series now offered in nearly 50 Wisconsin state parks
The Wisconsin State Park Geocaches Series is a joint project by the Wisconsin Geocaching Association and Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to encourage outdoor activity, exploration and enjoyment of state park properties in all parts of Wisconsin, according to Sherry … Continue reading →
Connected: urban planners, parks and recreation
Summertime in the park sings of sun-dappled trees, picnics on the green, bright rivers, playgrounds, concerts, trails and school’s-out exhilaration. Prior to National Parks and Recreation Month this July, the powers that be from the National Recreation and Park Association, … Continue reading →
Missouri suspends popular transportation cost-share program
Economic belt tightening has impacted construction projects at all levels of government. Decision making at the federal and state levels is having severe implications on regional and municipal projects, many of which, as in Missouri, were well past the planning … Continue reading →
Beat the Heat
Combining education with the thrill of drag racing, police officers and other emergency personnel are curbing illegal street racing by bringing racers to the track. The goal of one organization called Beat the Heat is to educate young people about … Continue reading →
To TIF or not to TIF?
Tax incremental financing is sometimes hailed as the greatest thing since sliced bread. Other times it’s denounced as a poison pill for local government budgets. TIF, a taxing method to entice urban redevelopment, was invented by the California legislature in … Continue reading →
New strengths
“With the new day comes new strengths and new thoughts.” — Eleanor Roosevelt Public building projects include so many different types of construction, including infrastructure projects such as roads, bridges, ports, sidewalks, pipelines and public squares. No one who’s seen … Continue reading →
Financial challenges 2014
KNOX ROSS | Guest columnist Mayor, Pelahatchie, Miss. Pelahatchie, Miss., a small town of 1,500 located in the Jackson urbanized area, faces a situation that many other small towns on the periphery of the urban growth pattern face: that is, … Continue reading →
Top Ten Smartest US Cities
The brain training program Luminosity recently conducted an extensive study to determine the smartest cities in the nation. The study found many of the top cities and towns on the list play host to prominent colleges and universities. Ithaca is … Continue reading →
WIU: Developing fire service leaders through a Bachelor of Science degree
By SCOTT WALKER | Instructor, Western Illinois University Through your years of firefighting experience and training, you have become an accomplished fire officer. You’ve earned the respect of your crew and your fellow officers, and you have participated in hundreds … Continue reading →
Minneapolis hosts fleet management
Minneapolis, Minn., Convention Center served as the hub for the largest gathering of fleet managers this year: the NAFA 2014 institute and expo. From April 8–11, they came together to discuss creative ways to reduce municipal fleet spending and distracted … Continue reading →
‘The Magic of Trenchless’
In the battle to extend the viable lifespan of aged water and sewer lines, trenchless technology is gaining ground. At the largest trenchless technology conference in the region, the North American Society for Trenchless Technology’s 2014 No-Dig Show, exhibitors debuted … Continue reading →
Big rigs: the Mid-America Trucking Show
A stadium full of the latest products and services for heavy-duty trucks is reason enough to not miss the annual Mid-America Trucking Show. This year, the cool factor didn’t hurt either. Optimus Prime, a semi-trailer-slash-giant-robot from the popular “Transformers” silver … Continue reading →
Future City Competition
This February found some of the nation’s top middle school students in Washington, D.C., competing at the annual DiscoverE Initiative, the Future City Competition. DiscoverE, a self-described “consortium of professional and technical societies and major U.S. corporations,” chose “Tomorrow’s Transit: … Continue reading →
Driving in Flood Conditions
With so many storms occurring in recent days, particularly in the Midwest and South, now is a good time to review precautions your drivers can take if they ever find themselves driving in an area threatened by flooding. According to … Continue reading →