What’s eating away at your vehicle
De-icing chemicals: A growing threat Motor vehicles face a constant battle against the elements, with one of the most insidious threats being corrosion. In colder climates where snow and ice are prevalent, it’s not uncommon to see traditional road salt … More from our cover sponsor →
Great ideas start with NRPA
Do you need a great idea to jump start participation in your parks and recreation programs? “Great Ideas Start Here” is the theme of the 2014 National Recreation and Parks Association conference, happening Oct. 14–16 in Charlotte, N.C. Whether you’d … Continue reading →
Reduce, reuse and recycle: good, ‘green’ ideas
The company that publishes The Municipal, The Papers Incorporated, also publishes a number of other newspapers and magazines. For an article for another one of them, I had cause recently to stop at a small-town service station and inquire about … Continue reading →
An overview of Gaines Street’s revitalization A historic and essential city corridor
The city of Tallahassee is revitalizing the Gaines Street corridor, an essential corridor to the city since its founding. In order to appreciate the breadth of the revitalization, we must first understand how the corridor came to be and how … Continue reading →
Think change
Equipment selection makes all the difference Ask any snow professional what the biggest challenge is concerning sidewalk management and you’ll hear that it’s retaining sidewalk crew members. “When we have a 12-hour snow storm, they just get burned out,” said … Continue reading →
News & Notes August 2014
Princeton, N.J. — NAFA Fleet Management Association announced in June a change in dates for its 2014 International Fleet Academy. Originally scheduled for July 14–16 at Rosen Shingle Creek in Orlando, Fla., NAFA’s IFA will now take place Nov. 5–7, … Continue reading →
Toronto recovers from worst winter in three decades
The past winter was one for the record books. No one knows this better than Peter Noehammer, engineer and director of transportation services for the Scarborough District of the city of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Toronto is getting its roads back … Continue reading →
Police Fleet Expo
Another valuable law enforcement-oriented event takes place soon. On Aug. 18–21, Police Fleet Expo sets up in Louisville, Ky., at the Kentucky International Convention Center. During this unique opportunity designed just for police fleet buyers, managers and service technicians, new … Continue reading →
Midwest Security and Police Conference
Tinley Park, in Cook County, Ill., is the August hotspot that law enforcement professionals will want to respond to. The city hosts the 113th annual Midwest Security and Police Conference Aug. 19–20 at Tinley Park Convention Center. Thousands of officers, … Continue reading →
When will it snow in Columbus?
That’s the question The Municipal account executive Chris Smith asked exhibitors at the Snow and Ice Management Association Snow and Ice Symposium in Columbus, Ohio. The winter weather professionals were gathered for the 17th annual event, which took place June … Continue reading →
Managing equipment needs on a budget
Nearly every local government entity has been affected by the realities of a tougher economy. Revenues are down or stagnant, while equipment, maintenance and fuel costs continue to skyrocket. Procurement officers and purchasing agents at every level have been forced … Continue reading →
2014 APWA International Public Works Congress and Exposition
For the first time in 25 years, APWA heads north of the border with its comprehensive annual conference. “Breaking Boundaries” runs Aug. 17–20 at the Metro Toronto Convention Center in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and will include more than 125 new … Continue reading →
Should you lobby for a casino?
Introducing a casino to a community can elicit conflicting concerns and aspirations. Will it bring an increase in crime, or be a boon to the local economy? How can city officials best preempt the first and encourage the second? When … Continue reading →
Safety Tip of the Month – Car Fires
Car fires — a daunting reality When most people think of fires, their first thought is not of a car fire. Unbelievably one out of every seven fires responded to by fire departments across the nation is a highway vehicle … Continue reading →
Dust control options for aggregate roads
A summer’s drive down a dusty gravel road can lead to the quick rolling-up of windows and more than just the temporary inconvenience of coughing. The dust that causes poor-quality air on over half of the unpaved roadways in the … Continue reading →
#LiveNF: Niagara embraces renewal and tourism
Previously a heavily industrial city, Niagara Falls, N.Y., is a popular destination for tourists from around the world. After economic downturns and the Love Canal disaster, though, Niagara Falls worked to diversify its economy and looked to expand its tourism … Continue reading →
Sliding into place
On Dec. 20, 1929, the people of Milton, Ky., and Madison, Ind., gathered to celebrate the opening of a bridge that would link their two Ohio River towns. Eighty-five years later, the communities came together once more: this time to … Continue reading →