What’s eating away at your vehicle
De-icing chemicals: A growing threat Motor vehicles face a constant battle against the elements, with one of the most insidious threats being corrosion. In colder climates where snow and ice are prevalent, it’s not uncommon to see traditional road salt … More from our cover sponsor →
Now, dare to plan
I don’t know if it’s coincidence, or if the fact that we’re now a couple of years beyond the recession is bringing to bear fruit: But stories of success and accomplishment in local government are cropping up all over lately. … Continue reading →
Benefit from an auction partner Sell your vehicles, save your resources
In the best-run municipal departments across the country, every minute and dollar go where they can make the biggest impact. Achieving that can be difficult in the face of challenging tasks, including the disposal of vehicles that have outlived their … Continue reading →
Evaluating your IT department
MICHAEL CANNON | Guest columnist Chief information officer, International City/County Management Association Information technology is an essential part of any local government. From your website to GIS to financial accounting and public works, etc., nearly every aspect of your operations … Continue reading →
Honoring veterans: not just for November
Proclamations, prayers and parades: Veterans Day observances rely on all three to demonstrate respect and appreciation for citizens who responded to the call of duty. The biggest and longest-running celebration of the sacrifices of veterans probably happens in Newton, N.C.; … Continue reading →
Out of the office Iowa Mayor Adam Schweers talks about life in public service
If you want to talk to the mayor of Carroll, Iowa, on a random weekday, don’t call city hall. He won’t be there. If he’s not out in the community or traveling on official business, Adam Schweers, 35, can usually … Continue reading →
Top Ten Main Streets
This summer Parade magazine asked its readers to nominate the best Main Streets and share what makes them special.
Continue reading →The Municipal at WEFTEC 2014
“The Water Quality Event” of the year, the 87th annual Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference, came together Sept. 27–Oct. 1 at the New Orleans Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, La. The theme of embracing change was made evident … Continue reading →
NRPA brings the fun to Charlotte
The annual conference of park and recreation professionals, the National Recreation and Parks Association Congress 2014, drew hundreds to the Charlotte Convention Center Oct. 14–16. In the very interactive exhibit hall, attendees could participate in an “EXPOdition” scavenger hunt. Also … Continue reading →
Overlooked assets boost tourism
Even in the recent difficult economic times the United States has faced, inbound international tourism has flourished. Domestically, people who might ordinarily leave the country for vacation also elected to stay in the country for a variety of reasons, not … Continue reading →
Truckin’ along to 2015
It’s time to look at purchasing trucks again. Are you ready for the 2015 truck and other utility vehicle fashion show, with lots of new styles, colors and under-the-hood bling? Check out some of the all-new exteriors, upgraded cockpits, state-of-the-art … Continue reading →
When the cloud goes down
The cloud has sprung forth as a viable option for small-to-medium-sized municipalities looking for less costly methods of storing important data or even specific operations. With the cloud, they no longer have to worry about purchasing servers, finding storage space … Continue reading →
Government transparency: Gainesville takes the leap
Politicians often devote a part of their campaigns to pledging increased transparency in their administrations; citizens desire it as an important part of keeping their representatives accountable. When government is truly transparent, it helps answer questions of how taxpayer money … Continue reading →
GIS applications
Geographic information systems have been incorporated into the administration of most cities and towns. Those systems are being used to map jurisdictions’ real estate parcels, complete with zoning and property tax information. But once an entity has the map and … Continue reading →
Public-private partnerships for IT services
For nearly a decade, public policy advocacy groups have highlighted the value of public-private partnerships for government entities. Although this approach was first used for large capital improvement projects, forward-thinking municipalities are realizing that the complexity and rapid pace of … Continue reading →
Fire service DRONES
Drones have gained attention recently due to their maneuverability, versatility and low operational cost in military applications. These qualities make drones desirable to public service agencies as well. Fire departments, in particular, can benefit from this technology when it comes … Continue reading →
A more efficient government
By DANA RASMUSSEN | New World Systems Imagine a community with a more efficient government: a government that uses less taxpayer money, time and resources. New World Systems, a public sector software company based in Troy, Mich., helps make the … Continue reading →