Raleigh rainwater program revives public interest in stormwater management

The rainwater rewards program in Raleigh, N.C., took a moment to catch on but is now embraced in a big way.
“The program is the result of a lot of forward thinking on the part of the people of Raleigh, but it got off to a real slow start,” noted Justin Harcum, senior engineer with Raleigh’s Engineering Services Department.
When it was approved by the Raleigh City Council in 2009, the lengthy and slightly obscure title of Stormwater Quality Cost Share Program may have been one reason that only about 30 projects were accomplished in the first seven years. But today, the total stands at more than 200 projects that have resulted in green roofs, cisterns, silva cells, bioretention rain gardens and impervious surface renewal projects in the city.
Harcum said rebranding the program in 2018 to Raleigh Rainwater Rewards was one step in raising citizen awareness, but he believes other factors helped.
“Times have changed. People are more aware of the need to manage stormwater.”

He believes the coronavirus pandemic played a role in the increased interest.
“We saw a big uptick after COVID-19, when people had been sitting in their houses looking out at their yards and imagining what they could do to improve their property.”
Another reason for more interest in stormwater management, he added, is that Raleigh has been growing rapidly in the last few years. More development means less natural habitat and more impervious surfaces like concrete roads and parking areas.
“I guess it has just been the perfect storm – pun intended.” Harcum chuckled.
To participate in the rainwater rewards program, homeowners can choose one of several stormwater management projects that are appropriate for their property and needs. The city will help them pay for the project by reimbursing 75% to 90% of the cost. The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality even created a stormwater design manual that lists the types of projects that are eligible for the program.
Eligibility is open to homeowners who live in the city of Raleigh and pay the stormwater fee added to water and sewer bills. The homeowner selects a project, must receive final design approval from the engineering department and signs an agreement to share regular construction updates. The homeowner must also agree to maintain the project for five to 10 years as well as turn in an annual report on the status of the completed project.
“We’ve tried to make this very easy for people by providing design assistance. We have a formula to help calculate the size and scope of the project,” Harcum added.
He said two of the most popular projects have been bioretention rain gardens and cisterns that can hold hundreds of gallons of rainwater. About 140 of the more than 200 projects have been rain gardens.
“They not only serve the water quality goal, but they are aesthetically pleasing and an amenity on a homeowners’ property.”
He said the average cost of a rain garden can run about $13,000. With the rewards program, about $11,000 of that cost is reimbursed.
The guidelines for rain garden projects are in line with the state’s guidance about the types of soils and plantings that can be used.

The goal is for ponding during a rainstorm to be absorbed within a certain amount of time. “We have a formula that helps us help the homeowner in the design,” Harcum said.
The city has identified some projects that are not as practical for the North Carolina region where Raleigh sits. For example, green roofs covered with plantings can suffer and lose their appeal in the heat of a North Carolina summer.
In addition to private homes, multi-unit residential properties, churches, schools, shopping centers and city buildings are included in the program.
Businesses have removed some of their hard concrete and asphalt surfaces and replaced them with stormwater-friendly islands that feature greenery, enhance the landscape and send rainwater to areas that can absorb the water. Harcum said a local tree company installed eight cisterns to collect rain runoff, which they use on their trucks to water plantings.
The city has also identified some low-income areas in which homeowners can receive up to 100 percent reimbursement after project approval and after agreeing to maintain their projects.
The cost of the Raleigh Rainwater Rewards program is funded by a stormwater utility fee, which is common among North Carolina cities. One percent of the city’s total collected fees goes to the projects.
Harcum said the city has engaged in educational outreach to help citizens understand the value of stormwater management projects.
“We are constantly having gatherings to help educate the public about its importance and to show them that these projects don’t have to break their budgets.” He said the city has received calls from all over the country from municipalities that want to know more about the Raleigh Rainwater Rewards program.
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