4th annual (virtual) Active Bystandership Conference for Law Enforcement

The New Orleans Police Department, Loyola University of New Orleans College of Law, and the ABLE Project at Georgetown University Law Center are proud to present the Fourth Annual Law Enforcement Active Bystandership Conference.
This year’s conference will be held (via zoom) on Wednesday, August 11th and Thursday, August 12th. We hope you will join us to learn what the Boston, Denver, Baltimore, DC, Seattle, Orlando, Cleveland, New Orleans, Dallas, and New York City PDs (and so many others) already know: Meaningful, evidence-informed active bystandership training works. With more than 150 law enforcement agencies in 36 states now a part of ABLE, and more than 800 ABLE-certified instructors across the U.S., the ABLE Project quickly has become a national best practice in preventing harm to community members and to law enforcement officers.
This year’s conference will feature distinguished law enforcement leaders and officers, social science researchers, professors, and other community members. Day 1 will focus on the foundations of ABLE (and its predecessor, EPIC), and its implementation in agencies across the country. Day 2 will be spent primarily in breakout groups, which are divided into three tracks. Track A is tailored for leaders of current or prospective ABLE agencies, Track B for ABLE instructors, and Track C for local leaders and other community members. Participants may choose whichever track appeals to them.
Attendance is free, but you must register HERE. You will find the conference schedule at the same link. If you have questions, please email ABLE@georgetown.edu. Attendance is limited (and we had 400 attendees last year), so sign up soon.