NAAAC Registration Info
The fourth annual North American Active Assailant Conference (NAAAC), a non-profit governmental conference, will be hosted at Woodside Bible Church, 6600 Rochester Road, Troy, Mich., April 24-26. It is the largest such event in the world and is attended by law enforcement, fire departments, ambulance services, corporate security, hospital and emergency management personnel. It will provide firsthand collaborative debriefs of some of the largest active assailant incidents in recent history from representatives of the lead law enforcement and fire service agencies involved. Presenters include Steve Davis, former public information officer of Jefferson County, Colo., Sheriff’s Office and Lakewood, Colo., Police Department; George “Skip” Noe, former city manager, Aurora, Colo.; and Bob Payton, city manager, Parkland, Fla. Participants will need to pre-register. For additional information, contact the hosting agency’s, Farmington Hills Fire Department, Emergency Medical Services Coordinator Jim Etzin at or (248) 871-2807.
More details can be found in the documents below.