The Papers purchases The Municipal

THE MUNICIPAL - The Papers Incorporated purchased the Midwestern magazine The Municipal in September. The publication is a buying guide and source of information for decision makers and others in city police and fire departments, airports, government departments, street departments and emergency response departments. Pictured from left to right: Steve Gutowski, Kim Gross and Ron Baumgartner.
The Municipal, a specialty magazine offering news and resources on products and equipment used by police, fire, rescue, airport, street and other municipal departments, was purchased by The Papers Inc. in September (2011).
The Municipal originated in Bluffton, Ind., as a bi-monthly magazine. Innovators Brent Imel and Ron Leman published the first issue in March 2010. Under The Papers, The Municipal will promote businesses and products and feature news articles about new technologies, best practices and trends that improve those departments’ performance.
The full color magazine will broach topics that include LED lighting, policing with camera technology, wind turbines, safety, waste management, disaster planning, FEMA integration, equipment leasing, risk management, recycling, right of way management, green technology and more. The Municipal will also spotlight regional personalities and successful processes in every issue and feature the newest and most innovative products available for keeping city services dependable as well as cost-efficient.
“We saw the opportunity to serve municipalities across the Midwest that have a need for this type of resource,” said Ron Baumgartner, owner of The Papers. “We think it will open up new avenues and new opportunities to us, as well.”
Full-time salesman Steven Gutowski, as well as more than 100 existing company salespeople, will call on advertisers who want to present their businesses or inventory to buyers. The editorial department will keep readers appraised of news relevant to public service agencies and provide a calendar of upcoming industry events.
“This is currently a regional publication, but the potential exists for continued growth into other states,” Baumgartner said. “We think the publication is unique because we’re not aware of any other product that reaches most all the decision makers in cities and towns.”
The Municipal is printed in a glossy magazine format and mailed directly to 30,000 public servants, purchasers and vendors in 14 states: Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Illinois, Wisconsin, Tennessee, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and New York.
Baumgartner plans to increase the frequency of publication to monthly in April. The Papers will also renovate the publication’s website,
The current challenge for municipalities, Publication Manager Kim Gross knows, is to save money. The Municipal is designed to help them do that, she said.
“We think we’re pretty well positioned to give them the information they need to make good economic decisions.”
For more information about The Papers or any of its publications, visit or call (574) 658-4111.
With The Municipal, The Papers currently publishes 26 weekly and monthly newspapers and magazines.
Staff Writer